Saturday, March 9, 2024

Rhythm of the ocean

As I watch the waves crashing the shore,

farther the horizon slowly unfolds,

expanding clouds under orangish hues,

with the sea breeze gently passing through,

like a soft touch, a soothing balm,

that soothes my soul, bringing the calm. 

Within those moments of tranquility,

brought by the waves like a lullaby,

finding the solace, I get my release,

in that sanctuary, I get my peace,

when mind sways in flow and rhythm,

inspiring my heart, stirring emotions. 

And I stare at the vast expanse, 

water surface with its susurration, 

using that time to contemplate, 

thoughts, feelings, my existence, 

diving deeper, as I get engaged,

those endless depths, in my silence. 

The ocean's rhythm connects,

our mind to the consciousness, 

away from the hustle and bustle,

from the worries that might affect,

I feel the peace and contentment, 

listening to the waves' gentle relent.

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