Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Blank, a clear state,

not a single thought,

delivered to my brain.

It does put me in a bind,

when tried with focused mind,

couldn't even put a dent. 

Is the lack of stimulus,

that led to ceased work,

as a mark of a protest.

For, it had been busy, 

now it's a bit too fatigued, 

being pushed to the limits. 

Multiple exposures of information,

filled the vessel to the brink,

leaving no space for experiments. 

Now, it's taking time to upload,

while I wait with my eyes closed,

to find opportunities to manifest. 

Everything needs a proper approach,

conductive environment and exposures,

to bring out the best of us.

Yet, I make those mistakes,

too occupied in my amusements,

to provide proper attention to the craft. 

Blank, there's nothing, 

a lot can be added with researching, 

to find a way to convey feelings. 

It takes sincere commitment,

without excuses or lack of interest,

to bring out the flow from within.

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