Tuesday, March 19, 2024

On the corners of the road

On the corners of the road,

around the structures men built,

where concrete reigns supreme,

there lies many tiny beings. 

With broken patches, sandy bases,

where dust starts settling up,

lies the wild plants, leaves of grass,

finding their dwelling through resilience. 

With slender stems, thinner roots,

they reach sky, expand into ground,

their strength defies all the odds,

displaying the beauty of the nature. 

The dandelion's golden crown, 

the clover's purple bloom, 

and daisy's delicate white face, 

on the pedestals and pavement edges. 

Dancing with every passing breeze, 

they would sing with a gentle sigh, 

enjoying sun warmth, wetness of rain,

wishing to not be crushed by passersby. 

Let us take a moment and marvel at,

so-called weeds, these humble inhabitant,

that thrive in these corners and patches. 

in their display of hope and resilience.

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