Sunday, March 17, 2024

An immortal scholar

With ancient wisdom in his eyes,

the melancholic scholar softly sighs,

observing the terrain from the high,

contemplating, if it was better to die. 

Through centuries, he's roamed the earth, unraveling the mysteries of the world,

from ancient tombs to starry skies,

the boundless curiosity made him wise. 

In distant lands, he had learned from sages,

unearthed much lore of forgotten ages. 

his mind became a treasure trove of knowledge, 

by understanding the meaning of inherited messages. 

With quill in hand, he pens his thoughts,

unveiling the truths he's dearly bought. 

his works, a legacy to impart, 

a gift to those with kindred heart. 

In every culture, every clime, 

he finds a spark, a glimpse of time. 

the wisdom grew, his soul expands, 

as he traverses distant lands. 

With gentle touch, he shares his light, 

inspiring minds both day and night. 

a bridge between the past and now, 

the immortal scholar's legacy will vow. 

* A concept poetry with the help of Google Gemini.

Hope you like it.

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