Friday, March 1, 2024

Man's best friend

'Canis lupus familiaris',

a subspecies of gray wolf,

but for us, this adorable creation,

is a companion, protector, and friend. 

Tens of thousands years ago,

some wild wolf decided to follow,

accompany our ancestors on their travel,

attracted by the food scraps and leftovers. 

And soon we realized their value,

domesticated them for our use,

being hunting partners, guarding livestock,

like an extra pair of ears, nose and eyes. 

As time passed, they became family,

cared for like their own child,

civilization progressed, bond deepens,

they too changed, hunters to house pet. 

With selective breeding, enhancing attributes,

making them large, small, menacing or cute,

everything for our desires and pleasures,

we played their creator and benefactors. 

Yet, they showered us with unconditional love,

never doubted and followed our cause,

just our presence made them jump with joy,

as they beg us for a simple walk or play. 

From wild wolves, we tamed a loyal friend,

creating bonds timeless, that would never end,

a love and devotion so pure, rare to find,

for, it's man best friend, a canine kind...

Our beloved dog.

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