Friday, March 15, 2024


To live a good life,

we don't need multiple achievements, 

transformation can happen at any stage,

for, happiness is felt in many phases. 

It's that simple yet so rare,

like our lungs breathe surrounding air,

even if it's just meeting our friends,

or visiting some famous exotic places. 

So, what is it that changes,

the outlook towards our experiences, 

to be at ease, a blissful feeling,

also having many health benefits. 

It's the secret of our well-being, 

that's learned or followed through instinct, 

a skill everyone should cultivate, 

"to be amazed at things outside yourself". 

A science of everyday wonder,

to be awed by the richness of the universe, 

fascinating by the intricacies of creations, 

viewed from the prism of our existence. 

It emphasizes our inconsequential self,

letting go of the inherent ego and pride,

as we become more accepting, and perceptive, 

paying attention to our wonderful reality. 

And we could see its influences,

from the innocent play of child,

the vast distribution of artworks,

also in spirituality and religious devotions. 

Even appreciating the flower's beauty,

can provide us with newer epiphanies, 

changing the way we see the world,

into something powerful and inspiring. 

So, let's cultivate this feeling,

in every aspect of our dealings, 

getting surprised and overwhelmed, 

in the presence of this vast mystery...

Of the very essence of existence.

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