Saturday, October 21, 2023

The scream

Browsing through famous paintings,

there are many that pique my interests, 

admiring the pictures on the canvas,

I marveled their creative talents. 

Not as an art enthusiast,

but as a curious onlooker,

one such display caught my attention,

a ghoulish figure screaming in tension. 

Titled "The scream" by Edward Munch,

it had a captivating touch,

with an intensity of colors,

bringing out the artist's emotions. 

It does invoke strong thoughts,

of stress, fear and apprehensions, 

while the surrounding seems to dissolve,

from reality into the character's imagination. 

The bloodred sky towers over others,

while orange gets competition from blue,

as the land and river gets overwhelmed,

from dull yellows and purples of the figure. 

The path, people, surroundings,

gets absorbed and vanishes,

only the feelings are magnified,

as if the nature is screaming along.

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