Saturday, October 7, 2023

Saving books

A treasure trove of knowledge,

our source of delight and wonder,

but now a shadow of its former self, 

for, it's value diminishing in the digital world. 

Gone were those days,

people gathering in libraries and bookstores, 

browsing the selves, savoring the smell,

losing themselves in the pages. 

Now everything can be assessed,

with few touches on our tablets,

there's no need to trouble ourselves, 

going through different physical copies. 

The pages once turned with care, 

now replaced by screens and keypads, 

the words once read with pleasure, 

now viewed with fleeting glances. 

As its popularity keeps on decreasing,

more children prefer online browsing,

the exhibitions and fairs also suffering,

from lack of interests of young minds. 

But there are still loyal followers,

trying to revive its past glorious days,

for, they know the feeling of excitement, 

of holding a new book for a reading. 

So, let's remember our guide to the world,

and not forget the value of humble book, 

let it be cherished and promoted everywhere, 

to survive this age of digital distractions.

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