Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Uniformity or Diversity


the feeling of oneness,

be it family or society,

that act as a glue,

to bring out conformity.

It's a necessity, 

to create stability, 

acting as a guidepost,

creating the eligibility, 

for bringing the civility.


promoted by the individuality, 

seeking freedom and originality,

as a rebellion to rigidity, 

developed in the society.

Promoting the spontaneity, 

of the thoughts and actions,

bringing out innovations and creativity,

breaking down the monotonousity, 

of the older generation's inflexibility. 

So, what should we value? 

which path to follow,

for each brings on table,

it's advantages and disadvantages.

Practicing discipline or diligence, 

keeping things in balance,

or be unrestricted and independent,

devoid of any dutiies and responsibilities.

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