Saturday, July 1, 2023


A mirror stands on the wall,

displaying the person I really am,

or is it a facade or a mask,

hiding the true nature, if you ask. 

The mirror reflects back our image,

displaying the one we want for ourselves,

But it's not always been truthful and kind,

making us confront our flaws or lies. 

Influenced by our thoughts and dreams,

it might show us some sweet lies,

when faced with insecurities and fears,

show us as ugly, unworthy and alone. 

It can show our true potential, 

be the friend supporting our desires, 

giving us the push that we need,

so that with courage, we face the life. 

It all depends on how we use it,

as a tool, or an opportunity,

when we look at the humble mirror, 

and let our transformation to begin.

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