Monday, May 15, 2023


 From the day we are born,

we express many emotions,

interacting with our surroundings, 

connecting with different beings. 

There might had been initiations,

to attach meaning to informations,

when we first called our caretakers,

from mono to many syllables. 

As we grew, we learned,

how to speak in situations,

to give respect, or make friends,

the art of acceptable conversations. 

Indeed words are powerful,

it has power of influence, 

depending on user's skills,

can dictate how the world moves. 

So, we created the rules,

depending on standards and customs,

with proper grammar and contonation,

were passed down as tradition. 

Many people came, many go,

very few leave their mark,

when we read their masterpieces, 

as they conveyed their perspectives. 

We too are disciples of words,

sailing in vast ocean of knowledge, 

as we string and weave phrases,

creating sentences and verses. 

A channel for conveying our thoughts,

they are the building blocks,

but be conscious, as it can also hurt,

mankind's greatest gift is a double edge sword.

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