Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Live in my dreams

Going to my sleep,

waking up to new reality,

as the workplace vanishes,

no obligations nor answerablity. 

Everyday mundane works,

comes with their varieties,

everything is fun and fulfilling,

also engrossing with its spontaneity. 

There are sparkles and charms,

that stimulates and inspires the heart,

as I roam around different sites,

being carefree and without worries. 

The people are open and accepting,

there's something of an understanding, 

wherever I go, hear their playful laughing, 

having genuine conversations,

without any labeling or name calling.

It's a place of limitless opportunities, 

we could appreciate aesthetics and beauty,

As I receive their love and affections,

that I could cherish, be fond of. 

There's respect and admiration, 

with closeness and serious attentions,

it might feel like a fantasy theme,

but let me live in this dream...even if it's fleeting.

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