Sunday, November 2, 2008

The beauty of my past.........

The days were so bright,
the night were so still,
in the time of gloom,
the happiness is cast,
As I remembered...........
The beauty of my past.

Nothing was different, nothing was same,
as we see it in a single frame,
but with time, it made a difference,
changed my life, in a sense,
As I remembered..........
The beauty of my past.

Study was fun, playing also same,
not thinking on any money or fame,
world looked big, opportunities so many,
not any stress, not tension any,
As I remembered.......
The beauty of my past.

Yes, curious was that time,
the period of my childhood,
the time of exprience and inspiration,
potraying life in true motion,
As I remembered...........
The beauty of my past.

There were quarells and friendships,
joining the fun together,
exprience of love and hate,
all were present in our fate,
As I remembered......
The beauty of my past.

Gone were those days,
when I laughed the true laugh,
only memories bring my thought,
though I fear, it would last,
As I remembered the beauty of my past.

1 comment:

menaka said...

a good poet n a future docter