Tuesday, April 16, 2024


A plan was made, selecting dates,

for a special occasion, to celebrate, 

our connections of past, invisible threads,

by meeting friends or our batchmates.

So we gather, greeting each other,

marvel how time, affected ourselves, 

with some teasing and comments,

lighten up the mood, for the events.


There's something, that remains,

no matter the years, we have faced,

when we meet, reminiscing older days,

enjoying the evening, in the gathering. 

A lot have been different,

having gone through many events,

some transformations are surprising,

few things have remained the same. 

We have smiles and laugh,

while discussing recent developments,

plans for future, exciting stories,

while nudging the ones that's left behind. 

Even in success, there's little envy,

the boasting too are lighthearted,

a meeting of friends, fellow travelers, 

in this journey, facing similar situations. 

With goodwill at heart, we share concerns,

wishing everyone for a better future,

an outing to have fun discussion,

promising ourselves for another...get-together.

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