Monday, April 22, 2024

Feeling of longing

Sun spread its shining rays,

springs come and goes away,

as the planet completes revolutions,

I was left with longing and wait. 

Seasons changes, days passed, 

I stand suspended, on this path,

watching them break and wither,

all the plans that I ever had. 

Am I the only one to be blamed,

even with the dedicated mindset,

carving the place, building a nest,

building a home out of this place. 

I might have been too stubborn, 

with desires for some perfection,

but was disappointed too often,

to find a spark, the connection. 

Yet, the life hadn't been fair,

wiser me cultivated perseverance,

to find a path of acceptance,

in the chaos of desires and expectations. 

I was aware of those missed chances,

for the sake of aesthetics and ideals,

so, I don't lament the lost past,

even if I felt stranded and parched. 

Loneliness do teach us lessons,

it's an opportunity to gain wisdom,

let me take these moments to learn,

for, I might not have been the only one... 

And there's a lot of us out there,

with these feelings, in crevices of the heart,

when the emptiness start gnawing inside,

bringing these realities to our attention. 

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