Thursday, April 4, 2024

Quiet quitting

A term coined,

to signify a social problem,

a consequence of present lifestyle,

dousing the flame of excitement. 

To be disillusioned, 

from this corrupt system,

where hard work are not rewarded,

rather influenced by luck and position.

Compounded by the rising greed,

a lack of interests in people's need,

competitions that are taking toll,

while selected few, are enjoying leisure. 

For, everything is publicized, 

facade of success and happiness,

leading to rising expectations,

to live a certain lifestyle.

Creating barrier between hearts,

with their opinions and valuations,

rather than thought and communication, 

to build long term relations. 

So, we compare with others,

disappointments of being powerless,

becoming unhappy and sadden,

with our present conditions.

We stop putting efforts,

and live for bare minimum, 

to be in background, not taking leads,

even at home, we become lazy. 

But why do things come to this?

is it for having unattainable needs,

and it's fulfillment is the criteria,

for having better involvement...

Even in research, we have hierarchy of need,

from physiological needs to safety needs,

with love, belonging and self esteem being,

the pathway that leads to pinnacle of living. 

But things are not in our control,

world too is spiraling towards hostility,

if every attempts end up into nadir,

it would make anyone apprehensive. 

Yet, hope should never be forsaken, 

rather than quiting, get better at noticing, 

of the imbalance present in our life,

make a chart or exercises to understand. 

Only then, we could choose right direction,

by acting upon things we are lacking,

rather than making commitments for results,

we could invest through consistent efforts.

Anything that provides incremental joy,

like a purpose, we could incorporate,

by figuring out, our non negotiables,

then making concessions, for a better future. 

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