Thursday, April 18, 2024

This morning,

This morning, I had a thought,

of having a visit to heavenly realm,

with you my dear, hand in hand,

to ease our heart under its charm. 

You have been overworked,

from the burden carried in the head,

so, let's take a break for now,

letting loose, away from the crowd. 

Just us, sharing those moments,

in the company of nature's symphony,

as mountains echo, the voice of our heart,

and gentle rain showers, ever welcoming. 

Let us just roam around the wilderness, 

without the thought of tomorrow plans,

as we explore, wherever curiosity demands,

following the instincts from days of innocence. 

A bit of adventure, pleasant surprises, 

planning something spicy, for night pleasures,

anything and everything that would ignite,

the flame of passion, within our mind. 

Our time together, would be the treasure, 

let us fill it with precious memories,

and we would return to mundane life,

with warmth and sunshine of these times.

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