Thursday, February 22, 2024

The lost feelings

Don't lament the lost feelings,

that was once very appealing, 

wounds sore with the concealing, 

let it go, it's part of your healing, 

Those were the beautiful days,

when wishes and dreams were made,

but that time is gone, long forgotten,

with broken promises, voice silenced. 

For, you have chosen the path,

things that are more important,

all choices had its sacrifice,

that you have taken with a smile. 

Waves of loneliness keeps splashing,

bringing out that immense longing,

don't fret, accept the incoming waves,

don't be afraid of the hurt you perceive. 

Time would heal everything,

all the emotions and those cravings,

letting you open to your surroundings, 

that value your presence in their life. 

So, don't lament the lost feelings,

regret or feel guilty of those dealings,

things will happen if they were meant to,

you can always have a new beginning. 

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