Thursday, February 1, 2024

Minimalism or extravagant life

Minimalism or extravagant life,

live simply or displaying grandeur, 

what life I should choose,

that retains my values and pride? 

Lifestyles have their appeal, 

be it the appearances, 

the benefits they possess,

with the traditions and influences,

or the passions, aesthetics, 

that display our individuality. 

A minimalist approach,

keeping things simple,

consuming fewer resources, 

reducing our impact on surrounding, 

by making conscious efforts,

for overall health of self and environment. 

But it can be restrictive and boring,

for, we have a limited lifespan,

something more stimulating and enjoyable,

that caters to our unspoken desires,

and attracts people around us,

letting us experience the luxuries. 

So comes the extravagant lifestyle, 

that serves our impulsive needs,

to live a life without any regrets,

satisfying our pleasures and curiosities,

for, who doesn't want excitement, 

to make this world worth living. 

So, what choice would I make,

that reflects my inner voice,

creating balance and harmony,

between my mind and soul,

do I prefer indulgence and craving,

or aspire to have limited needs. 

The path that let me live my heart content.

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