Saturday, February 10, 2024

Suffering and Detachment part 2

What do I see?

What do I feel?

Is it positive or negative emotion,

that interferes with my living?

How do I want my life to be?

Will this help me grow, be content,

is it a situation that I can change,

or in the mercy of other being? 

Detachment is not disinterest,

neither the isolation nor avoidance,

but being more aware, and conscious,

of our reactions to different situations. 

To understand the reasons,

as we observe our actions,

how it affects us and loved ones,

that matter most in this life. 

Spoken in the songs of divine, 

taught, practiced by the wise,

let us follow their examples,

bringing these thoughts within us.

Being detached from fear of failures,

the hurt of letdowns and betrayals,

even in pleasures and prosperity,

let's rein our senses with rationale. 

May be then, we could comprehend,

see the beauty, and the magnificence,

without periodic celebrations or laments,

for, they are just passing moments.

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