Sunday, December 17, 2023

The carried whispers

I have many names,

every place, I would change,

like the wind, I would flow,

carrying the surrounding stories. 

I have traveled far and wide,

been trivial or changed the tide,

I was welcomed by curious minds,

with their ears open and wide. 

Be it gossips of housewives,

talking about their town lives,

or the lovers in the night,

sharing passion hidden from sights. 

Be it the mother's lullaby,

calming their child to sleep,

or wishes from silent prayers,

in their devotion and care. 

In the parent's grief,

or their unspoken pain,

families that's broken away,

in the passages of the time.

In the moments of new birth,

at the time of someone's dying, 

those chatters, the cacophony, 

or muffled sounds of missed promises. 

I am your whisper, I carry your will,

I have no direction, or destination to be,

sharing the secrets and stories as I travel,

that need to be different ears.

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