Friday, December 29, 2023

Body's own enemy

Our body is our friend,

a vehicle that work for mind,

the more we care its need,

better our health would be... 

But there are things beyond control,

affecting ourselves without our fault, 

when the friends become enemy,

there is no protection from within. 

Immunity, a lethal force...

Fight the anomalies affecting us,

infection, inflammation, infestations,

nothing can survive for very long. 

But sometimes things go astray,

a hyperreaction to stimulus unknown,

and then symptoms follow...

That could become mild or severe. 

Be it superficial allergies,

from pollens or insect stings,

or damage to multiple organs,

eating life from the inside.

To become part of the unlucky few,

these diseases are tough to manage,

making us appreciate normal days,

when precautions could have tried. 

So, let's be more aware of our health,

there's always hope, not to despair,

with lifestyle changes and medications,

find ways to calm these hyperactive reactions. 

So that we live a long and healthy life,

for, us human are strong, resilient beings. 

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