Thursday, December 7, 2023

In your eyes

In the dark nothingness, 

searching within my closed eyes,

like a glimpse, an after image,

I could only see your face... 

It was your eyes,

that struck my heart,

lovely and dazzling shine,

from the day we met.

In days of our innocence, 

being shy, stealing glances,

finding courage, going on dates,

bonding over the coffee breaks. 

Have I ever mentioned,

temptations of your eyes,

that entices, and enchants,

the very essence of my being.

Those dark brown eyes,

like a deep dark ocean,

where I want to dive,

to reach the your heart. 

In those depth I could see,

beautiful soul, glowing and clear,

and I drowned in its embrace,

feeling it so close, so near.

It's like a dream come true,

when we look at each other,

been so lucky to have found you,

I would keep cherishing you forever.

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