Monday, November 27, 2023

Our evolution

How did we arrived...

to be where we are now,

what path we had taken,

when faced with problems,

Who are we? 

An intelligent species, 

have the knowledge to succeed, 

with an insatiable hunger,

to possess, take a lead.

Sharing of the informations,

creating communities and a nation, 

working for constant growth, 

and establishment of supremacy. 

The advancement of civilization, 

from gatherers and cultivators,

is far ahead of the cave people,

that arrived from the African jungles.

May be there were multiple migrations,

from Homo habilis, erectus and even sapiens,

giving rise to subspecies and racial features,

like the extint Neatherthals and Denisovans. 

But millions of year ago,

we had common ancestors,

even more back in time,

we shared ancestry with primates.

The primates were the mammals,

that could only flourish underground,

for, the reptiles and dinosaurs,

were anhilated into extinction. 

Reptiles too took their time,

after coming out of water,

as fishes, amphibians predominant,

with land not having lifeform.

For, life had only prospered earlier,

in the womb of our oceans,

the sponges, trilobites and cephalopods,

it's Paleolithic earth after Cambrian explosion. 

Yet, it could have only been possible,

some billion of years ago,

from the collisions and exposures,

with comets and space asteroids.

It brought the necessary ingredients, 

becoming the building block of cells,

then the miracle of photosynthesis, 

expands the biological food chain. 

From being the elements of universe,

and the molecules within the cells,

indeed we have come a long way,

as a children of the evolution. 

Still I wonder about the direction,

that this road would lead,

what does the future holds,

in the next step of our transformation. 

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