Monday, November 13, 2023

I am... Am I?

I am,

the culmination of experiences, 

from upbringing and learnings, 

with imagination and creativity,

emotions, feelings and desires,

assimilated within this heart. 

I am,

as an individual,

being part of a family,

with its class and beliefs,

their aspirations and needs,

influencing my every action. 

I am,

what I perceive, 

through other's eyes,

their opinions and advices, 

molding into an illusionary image. 

Am I?

The person of their thinking,

with commitment and responsibilities, 

that governs the directions taken,

for the decisions to be made. 

Am I?

The one that was meant to be,

being blessed with a beginning, 

exposing these stimuli to my senses,

developing connections with the surrounding. 

Am I?

Truly answering to my consciousness, 

not swayed by the pretentiousness, 

while building these bonds over the time,

by sacrificing the freedom...of my soul.

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