Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Let the game begin

Let the game begin,

between the clashing team,

and the spectators cheering,

for their side to win. 

With planning and preparations, 

making some of the predictions,

opponents gather in the field,

for taking the initiatives. 

Pressures are felt,

it's an important event,

the mood of the nation changes,

as it is being broadcasted. 

People watched with bated breath,

as they fought for achievements,

out of two, facing each other,

only one would attain the glory. 

They had fought many battles,

with teams from around the world,

finding success, where many failed,

by infusing their blood and sweat. 

Pride collides, the valiant clashed,

the challenge was big this time,

but the favorites have their chance,

for, they have the home advantage. 

And the stadium is stuck with awe,

when final announcements were made,

the host clinched the victory,

from the jaws of defeat. 




Ah, my wishful thinking !!

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