Sunday, April 9, 2023

Time wait for none


Gone were the youthful days,

being carefree, with innocence, 

playing games, making friends,

every place, we could blend.

A bag full of homework,

was enough for a day work,

hide and seek till sunset,

having snacks after returning.

Every event was exciting,

even plastic medals were gratifying,

just living for the present,

without worries of future endeavors. 

But things changes as we grow,

without us realizing the time flow,

graduation brought us to working society,

facing competitions, managing duties. 

Gone were the teenager days,

of aspirations and desires,

as the explorations and adventures,

became some distant memories. 

For some it was slower,

as they wait for results and position,

and many more, it was faster,

while getting immersed in their passion.

If things worked, there was fulfillment, 

feeling the joy and happiness,

even the one easily satisfiable, 

lived the days being content.

For many, there were disappointments, 

experiencing the pain and sadness,

having their struggles and failures,

spending moments in regrets.

So, we live though our adulthood, 

this monotonousity through convictions, 

reliving old days in special occasions,

with certain stimulus and communications. 

Till we get occupied,

become older and disconnected,

embracing solitude, forgetting many, 

as we keep drifting away.

Whatever be our situations, 

the reality is always consistent, 

be it past, present or future,

time waits for no one.

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