Wednesday, April 19, 2023


 So, what it is?

the thing we call emotions,

just thoughts of mind,

our brain's chemical reaction. 

Simple sparks sprung into motion,

as we go along with the notion,

feeling being stimulated as reaction,

to situations influencing our action. 

To be sad or being happy,

be distant or being sappy,

things that pique our interests,

touching our heart in the process. 

Sometime it's like an outburst,

of laugh, hysteria or anger,

strong desires that's can't be contained,

with our likes, dislikes and hatred. 

So, should I care,

or go with the flow,

to have a pleasing personality,

by creating a false facade. 

But we are social being,

connections are valued,

as we age, we learn to control,

in this journey of adulthood. 

From being spontaneous, to be tapered,

we start to restrain those impulses,

loosing the charm, naivity of innocence, 

we keep falling in this depth of reason.

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