Thursday, November 22, 2018

A new story

I love to read story books since childhood and even today, I find it very much relaxing and enjoyable to be able to read or watch different stories, be it novels, movies, TV series. Being an ardent fan of books like Panchatantra, Jataka tells, Sherlock Holmes and writers like Enid Blyton and Ruskin Bond since childhood, I too tried my hand in story telling.

It was an amateurish attempt of self gratification, and I succeeded in writing a few of them. As per critics ( my mom and sister), it was good but not great. Somehow, I couldn't make it more interesting and I also didn't have much patience create longer stories with deeper plot. Be it character development, instilling of emotions, making them more lively....I knew where I lacked but probably didn't have the will to rectify the same.

Its just like cooking, I am a foodie but don't know how to cook. It requires patience and hard work to develop the required skills to create culinary masterpieces. Be it any field, hard work is the key. And here I am, lazily lying on the bed, holding novel or viewing my laptop. 

But then, I also wanted to write a story too. To start with, some short stories, followed by light novels, and then bigger novels. The path is prepared, planning is done, only to take the first step!
So friends, today I wanted to make this commitment, more like a new year resolution, to write a story and hope that its interesting enough for the viewers!! :)

A new story,
with great plot,
the live of characters,
some  interesting lots!
Come again and read,
open ears and listen,
for I am writing new,
to have it reviewed !

And then, I will share,
just how much do I fare?
will it bring out the emotions,
drive the crowd into motions!
be it joy, be it pain,
tears of laughter or sadden,
or its about faraway adventure,
of mysteries and pleasures!!

Story it is,
I loved to listen,
a lot I had understood,
the encounters in childhood,
may be it's my time,
write in stanzas or rhymes,
with its twist and turns,
what magic would it churn ?  :)

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