Monday, December 16, 2024

Where did it begin?

So, where did it begin?

Not only us, we are finite being,

but the things beyond ourselves,

yet so interlinked, deep within us...

Was it created by a big bang,

or a part of supreme consciousness, 

some do consider it an illusion,

like a mirage, a holographic projection. 

We have learned so much,

having technologies at our disposal, 

yet, the greatest of human brain,

we were perplexed by its existence. 

For, we are too miniscule an entity,

to comprehend the extent of its boundaries,

only making assumptions or theories,

changing them over newer discoveries. 

Universe... It's everything,

encompassing matter and energy,

all the dimensions that we perceive, 

everything that mankind conceived. 

Still, there are many unknowns,

being outside the ambit of natural laws,

likes of dark matter, and dark energy,

even the ill-defined quantum fields. 

And we seek refuge in spirituality,

hoping to find answers in philosophy,

as long as we could find reasons,

there's nothing wrong in exploring. 

But, they too talk in symbolism,

for us to believe without proving,

taking away burdens of our curiosities, 

by presenting it as grand design...of divinity. 

And I wondered, since my younger years,

when I watched in awe, starry night sky,

the constellations, & Milky Way galaxy,

inspiring me to explore various stories.

And sometimes, I was terrified of ideas,

the very enormity, of our universe

yet unaware of plank scale phenomena,

when I contemplated, my very existence. 

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