Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Devil's advocate

Let's start this curious game,

where we play devil's advocate,

like a make belief, as we pretend, 

in our discussions, or arguments,

going against the presiding opinions. 

For, it opens up the discussion,

explore ideas, which were forsaken,

might not be the popular opinion,

yet needing some pondering over,

to delve deeper into the subjects. 

It can also become a useful tool,

to discern the mentality of a person,

by poking and prodding certain conditions,

evoking reactions, revealing the perceptions, 

that defines their true character. 

From centuries, these were used,

be it humble locale or a nation,

where intellect is used to understand,

the extent of someone's intelligence,

for proper selections of leader. 

Devil's advocate...

It's something to be added,

in places of debate, between mindsets,

with enough preparation and confidence,

for having a rewarding event. 

Where wisdom and knowledge...

Were shared to the participants. 

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