Thursday, September 7, 2023

Woodland understory

A landscape covered in trees,

a grassland full of greenery,

every woodland in the nature,

needs it's own understory.

Understory, a dynamic of many species,

be it the plants, fungi, birds or insects,

or scrubs full of wildflowers and climbers,

spread over the soil, leaves and fallen branches.

It take years for the establishment,

as they germinate, spread in the surrounding,

taking many lifecycles of these species,

for the gathering of necessary components.

It's a pity, we have ignored,

felt the need for them to be removed,

all the ground flora and deadwood,

in the name of beautification. 

The tallest trees make up the canopy,

everything under is a part of understory,

made of different layers of species,

that brings the depth to the surrounding.

The layer of shade tolerant scrub species,

then the herb layer of wildflower, ferns and grasses,

and finally comes the ground layer,

filled with decaying matter, mosses, lichen and fungi.

When they grow abundantly, 

they transforms the woodland into green wonderland,

creating a thriving and sustaining ecosystem,

consisting of insects, amphibians, birds and mammals.

** Inspired by an YouTube channel "mossy earth"

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