Friday, June 23, 2023


It's an universal fear, 

that plaques heart of many,

spending many sleepless nights,

and days in bottomless worries. 

No matter the wealth earned,

or gathering of the followers,

one can avoid this fate,

by hiding from the inevitable. 

So, I wondered...

if there is a chance,

of extending our lifespan,

to the limits of species and beyond,

will that make us immortal? 

What defines life... 

Our perception of reality is subjective,

varies with different places and lifestyle,

with sense of time spent on earth,

slows or speeden depending on interests.

Moments spent with loved ones,

gaining of the experiences,

be it in theory or practicality, 

by living through these events. 

When things unknown are known,

senses of body are overwhelmed, 

how would one cope with things,

if world becomes predictable. 

Will the love be everlasting?

when things gets monotonous,

and the sparks get dimmed,

from reliving similar conditions. 

Yet, I do hope this limited lifespan,

could be extended with wisdom,

to be free of disability and disease, 

lived with happiness and well-being. 

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