Friday, December 14, 2018

Sikharpur days part 7

"Lata come with me,' Lochan took Lata's hand casually as he took her with him, ' let me show you something."
" What is it? Stop pulling me, I have to make garlands." Lata protested.
" It will take only a moment, I will some rare flowers too." Lochan replied as he tried to persuade her to follow him.
"Parvati, wait for a minute, I will come back soon." Lata told to Parvati as Parvati nodded in acknowledgement.

Lata followed Lochan as Lochan gave signal to Dhanush and Sambhu that the field is clear for them. Dhanush sprang to the opportunity of Lata's absence as he confronted Parvati.
"Parvati, can you tell me exactly where your home is, and do you know about this valley as its not the same as our location." Dhanush asked her.
Parvati looked at him and gave a questioning look.
"This is my place, and that house inside that cave is my home but it's boring there, that's why I play here,' Parvati replied with a smile, 'I don't know about your place."
Dhanush got more confused as she didn't looked like she is telling lie and her eyes were looking straight to him as she answered.
"Then, we might have been lost as this place is not ours and we have to return too in the evening." Dhanush said.

Dhanush called Sambhu and told him to call Lochan back along with Lata. After sometime, Sambhu brought Lochan followed by Lata. Lata had a angry face as she was annoyed that Lochan took her in false pretense. Dhanush asked them all to gather around in one place, Parvati included.

"Lata, this is not our valley, we need to return before it gets dark" Dhanush told Lata.
"What are you saying? It's our place, look as the river flowing down and that mound where we sit. Also, that tree from where we pick mangoes..." Lata stopped abruptly as both the location of river and absence of the tree denied her the case.
" Its similar to our place but it's not ours!!" Sambhu joined in.
" Parvati, show us your home. May be we will find something." Dhanush requested Parvati, for which she agreed.
"I will help Lata to go home but I wanted to play more." Parvati said in a sad voice.

So, all of them took the small path going towards the mountain. The trees, plants, all looked the same yet had a different feel to it. The reached near a door made up of wood. It was old but sturdy and had a similar making as of their own villages. They all entered inside, which was dark and humid. They didn't like the smell but sooner got accustomed to it.  When they finally got near her home, to their surprise. it's inside had the same built that of the temple inside the cave but the surrounding were so different.The path stopped as the walls of the cave and the rocks enclose the area surrounding the house. It was a dead end as their was no path visible outside the house, nor they say any en-route.
But the vary place gave the insight Dhanush needed but it was also accompanied by an intense headache, and Dhanush fell on his knees with a big cry!

----- to be continued------

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