Wednesday, December 19, 2018

My revolving world

In circles,
moving round and round,
my decisions and realizations...
that I want to do!
The straight path,
walking to and fro,
from one point to other....

without any changing options!

While walking on my own,
ignoring what's on path,
just moving all alone,
being busy in my work,
Little relief from some games,
or few hobbies all the same,
that would keep me occupied,
and escape my real life.

What was missing I don't know,
or unconsciously I ignore,
excuses of daily struggles,
scared of wasted efforts.....
Plans that never got started,
actions not getting it's due,
success that always eludes,
even when attempts were few! 

So, it goes my life...
still the one continuing,
the work going well,
but personal upheaval,
questions that are asked,
whispers that are heard,
or simply the truth is,
uncertainties of my heart!!

Wandering of my mind,
wavering of the emotions,
concerns of my situation,
with hopes of the future..... 
is that's how I would welcome.....this new year?

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