Friday, December 21, 2018


in small talks,
a little chit chat,
from all walks....
Some new connections,
to ease our boredom,
or bringing out emotions,
to make the life wholesome.

it takes time to know,
to understand others,
and make a rapport.
Being hasty won't work,
for superficiality that won't last,
building trust needs time,
for taking worries to the past.

I might be taking it slow,
casually yet being cautious,
wishing to go with the flow,
and not being too pretentious.
Little by little... opening up,
taking interests in daily stuffs,
there are a lot bottling up,
just few days are not enough!

Am I wrong in the approach,
being honest in all my talks,
not everything is about crotch,
finally ending up in the docks.
Then why my conversations didn't last,
everytime went to sudden stop,
now I can't even put my feeling,
unsure of it being a hit or flop!

Conversations it is,

and I will be waiting,
each time being sincere....
Hoping that this will bring,
some true friends to near! :)

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