Things that I planned,
the dreams, the desires,
or just the sustenance,
of a good life.....
some adventure and fun,
or a stability of home...
to step up the ladder,
or strong base at ground.
it may be material security,
works to complete,
new ventures to start,
or celebrating small moments,
with family and friends,
to feel the joy of same.
it could be my profession,
places to visit,
to work in peace,
or getting the leaves,
as much I please,
still strike a balance in both.
it could be an opportunity,
competition faced from many,
to succeed or left behind,
not being broken down,
not discouraged in adversary,
keep on fighting till the end.
Things that I planned,
may not have worked out,
new things that being born,
after being fallen from old one...
some hopes, expectations,
or coping with things on hand,
an optimism, believe in oneself,
and stand up to face them all.
Standing on the edge,
I watched the water,
still, sparkling in the sunlight,
a boat it is,
sailing with the wind,
slow and steady, as it goes....
I had made my way,
faced lot of turbulence,
difficulties to be least,
but there were good times,
things being plenty,
time for merry..
I had company,
different boats big or small,
each one on it's own,
meet for a while,
spend some moments as friends,
then off to their destination.
So, it's a long journey,
and lot of things to do,
situations to be faced,
beginning had been good,
focused on the second part,
and here I am standing, on my route...
It's been a while,
and I haven't noticed,
everything being silent, motionless..
temporary setbacks it seems,
but everything stopped for me,
boat being on standstill,
No direction, no wind,
as I searched for a hint,
felt so lonely in the sea.....
I searched for someone,
a companion for my journey,
to face these dull times!!
My boat is perfect,
so are the sails,
still there are things I missed,
difficult times that enforced,
worries and the craving,
Hope for a way out !!
In the faith I found strength,
my courage to take me away,
someone will come, take my sides,
I will move again,
just a opportunity is all I need,
to reach my destination.
My boat and me,
a long way to go,
apprehensions, anxiety will come,
but optimism is with me,
the journey is all I have,
new things to discover, to know :) :)