Thursday, January 18, 2024

Blue planet

Blue is the sky,

blue is the sea, 

behold this beautiful existence, 

of our beloved blue planet. 

Blessed are we to experience, 

visualize color among the rarest,

even universe providing a special seat,

to the position of our mother earth. 

Covering the majority of earth surface,

the basis of life, precious water,

being stored and circulated in many forms,

becoming the basis of the weather. 

To be the cradle of our evolution, 

nurture and support the life forms,

be the sweet streams or saline water,

we are provided with many options. 

Blue, it's the symbol of our planet,

it's assimilated in our essence,

even when a lot is there to explore,

in the vast extent of it presence... 

Over those altitudes of the atmosphere, 

within the very depth of the oceans,

lies many mysteries, many unknowns,

that displays the magnificence...of the blue planet. 

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