What does it takes,
to become an evil person,
is it the greed or pleasure,
or the desire to be special...
So, a experiment was done,
by one school history teacher,
to let us understand the psyche,
he named it "the third wave".
To explain how the residents,
could accept those requests,
a movement for their pride,
causing mayhem and genocides.
It was a fictional social experiment,
an appeal of fascism to masses,
by conducting series of exercises,
emphasizing expected qualities in them.
Aimed at eliminating democracy,
for, it emphasizes individuality,
it's a drawback for the society,
hampering growth and promoting weakness.
So, started the first day,
motto of " Strength through discipline ",
by proper seating and greetings,
drilling the students with simple rules.
The response was unprecedented,
by seeing their strict adherance,
he added " Strength through community",
and renamed it as "The third wave".
It involves cupped hand salutes,
both inside and outside classroom,
banner were created, given assignments,
banning non members, recruiting newer ones.
With life of its own, movement grew,
so he added " Strength through action",
member cards were issued, few single out,
to report the teacher who failed the rules.
It really became an eye opener,
enmity spread within the members,
reports were made about wrongdoings,
concerns were raised about teacher's safety.
With things slipping out of control,
as students keep getting more involved,
he decided to the terminate the movement,
by misleading students about electing president.
Announcing a noon rally for next day,
banishing dissenting students in library,
he ordered every one to attend,
to display loyality to the movement.
The stage was set, actors were placed,
students were asked to demonstrate,
by chanting the three rules he wrote,
he turned on a TV, placed middle of room.
An empty channel, to make them aware,
it was only an experiment, they took part,
apologized to them for taking things far,
and show them how willing they were.
So, finally summaries were made,
by the researchers about the experiments,
asking questions, making interpretations,
to finally conclude in these frame.
" For that sense of superiority,
for that desire to be special,
anyone could be brainwashed,
to do these heinous acts...
Does it mean we are all evil?
No...it means we are too normal. "