Thursday, September 5, 2019

Something genuine !

We talk free,
out of concerns,
and when we walk...
hand in hand,
with smiles and laughs !

in the solitude,
watching the horizon,
am I lonesome?
socially outcast !

sometimes I view,
to be mingled,
not lose in this race,
and left abandoned !

Try, try and try,
with hopeful prospects,
some differences, contradictions,
and all ends in failure !

The spring of life,
everyone's wishes and desires...
the stimulation of heart,
brightening up the flares !

Then comes the cold wind,
of rational calculations,
splashing out the fires..
out of personal aspirations !

Of all talks,
and the explanations,
avoidance of the inevitable,
rebelling out of social norms !

My heart craving it out,
and mind reasons...
in the end, what I seek ?
is something genuine !!

The one, natural and honest,
the grasp of the pure,
may be, all I wanted...
was something genuine !

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