Saturday, August 31, 2024


When days were going bad,

like you are stuck in quicksand,

and life keep making you sad,

due to situations or things you lack. 

There might be some setbacks,

troubles that keep coming back,

with no escape, you feel bound,

losing your joy, you feel down. 

Those were the times,

your patience gets tested,

forcing you to make choices,

to resign yourself or fight back.

You keep the hope alive,

through courage or perseverance,

everyday striving for a better future,

gaining new grounds or lost positions. 

But, it's a long journey,

which keep draining energy,

how would you keep going,

without plans for troubleshooting? 

Something that help you bear,

while giving yourself due care,

letting you face the challenges, 

with intensity and efficiency. 


That breaks the chain of misery,

doesn't have to be any trickery,

just a frame of mind, your temperament, 

that let you slide minor disappointments. 

Helping you to remain sober,

rein your senses, controlling emotions,

lightening the mood, reducing hostilities, 

even create a spark, an out of box solution. 

So find the jest in daily strife, 

some silly smirk, a playful life, 

let it mend, your shattered knife, 

for, laughter heals, as spirit rise.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Miss euphoric days ( acrostic poetry)

Memorable were those days

inhaling the petrichor after rain,

sensations of cold breeze on skin,

shaking myself to the core. 

Enduring the chills, I walk on the way,

upon the grounds, where flowers lay,

passing the crowd, to desolate path,

hiking on the rugged ground of the hill,

observing the greenery on nature's trail 

resting for a moment, to capture scenery,

illuminated by rays, sneaking out of clouds, 

captivated by the breathtaking panorama. 

Days of adventures and explorations,

activities were unplanned and sudden,

youthful years, that would never return, 

still, would remain within our heart.

Thursday, August 29, 2024


We have beliefs...

In faith or our principles,

imbibed from our surroundings, 

helping us create opinions,

by following the written dictum,

the teachings of respected persons,

through understanding and conviction. 

Sometimes contradictory, sometimes confirmed,

through experiments and observations,

or motivated by life-changing events,

making efforts to spread the words,

support the cause, justify decisions,

portraying their path, the truer one. 


What is the allure?

That let people follow blindly,

without applying our reasons.

Even the ones who oppose,

are swayed through emotions,

without being objective enough,

even resorting to defamation. 

In the absence of evidence,

both the presence or the absence,

of our ideals, desired vision,

we might lose our very purpose.

Thus, we create a system,

for overseeing the process,

of creating rules and regulations,

or build an ecosystem...of distractions. 

Why are we scared, of being wrong?

The society would still remain strong,

let the people have the freedom,

to find a place, where they belong.

Indeed, there would be narratives, 

influences of pride, fear and greed,

but, we can build an informed society,

that rises above these petty schemes. 

For, we do have beliefs, 

but, it's not a bad thing,

as long as, we are a seeker,

as long as...We are free.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The keepsake

" It's a promise" He whispered,

placing a velvet pouch, on my hand,

requesting to hold on, till he returned, 

a mystery trinket, a valuable item. 

With wet eyes, mind so numb,

a thousand emotions swirling within,

with dream shattered, and aching heart,

I had to bid farewell, to a treasured friend. 

It was too sudden, we had plans,

of spending life, having adventures, 

yet, our fate played spoilsport, 

leaving me stranded, without hope. 

That pouch, I held close to the chest,

waving him goodbye, with silent voice,

As he drifted away, far from reach,

this token of trust, all that left. 

Days passed, seasons changed, 

months to year, sunrise to sunset,

his thoughts remain in memories, 

with that symbol of our connection. 

The keepsake...

A gentle guide,

I walked alone,

wishing for a tryst.

Yet, the yearning lessens,

prayer went unanswered, 

doubting his intentions, 

in the broken promises. 

An act of letting go,

I choose to expose,

his unspoken words,

through the memento. 

And cords were opened,

a platinum ring encased,

letters engraved on surface,

" Love forever " 

A beautiful surprise, 

I should have been wise,

feeling remorse, teary-eyed

holding close to my bosom...

The keepsake.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Basis of the society

The basis of society,

lies on individual values,

influenced by upbringing,

nurtured in the families. 


these tender years,

would molds our mind,

ingraining the beautiful thoughts,

seeds of respect and cognizance, 

to become a law abiding citizen. 

For, the garden of flowers,

would need the nutrients, 

protection from harsh weather,

be it summer, rain or winter,

a little care would do wonders,

blooming them into precious flowers. 

Exposures are important, 

but in controlled environment, 

developing the discerning eyes,

for separating wrongs and rights,

as the virtues takes deep roots,

and our dreams take flight. 

Learning humility and respect,

we enter educational institutes,

under the watchful eyes of teachers,

following regulations and rules,

to not stray from our paths,

with newfound freedom on hand. 

And then, friends were made,

being in groups, playing games,

but, beware of those impulses,

that might led us astray, 

for, choosing a right company,

determines path of our success. 

As we step towards adulthood,

let us also become responsible,

learning skills and the knowledge,

for our services and contributions, 

as we display gratitude to loved ones,

for their blessings and the support. 

Each one of these factors,

are needed for proper growth,

we might encounter exceptions,

but these errors can be captured, 

when the communities progress,

from individuals, to the nation. 

So, the foundation of society,

lies in how it treats families,

with proper love and due care,

experiences and wisdom are shared,

providing us with happiness and security,

bringing hope...for a brighter future.

Monday, August 26, 2024

We are insignificant

We are insignificant, 

like an ant seen from skyscrapers, 

houses vanishes, if looked from helicopters,

even the hills, look flattened from airplanes,

tallest of mountains, are absent from space,

and earth becomes an image, from moon. 

Our planet is a blue dot, in the solar system,

and sun is minuscule, in the Milky Way,

our galaxy too, is smaller in comparison. 

within the group of other galaxies,

which are dwarf, to the super clusters,

that might be largest in visible universe. 

We are insignificant,

ignorant of these largest scales,

the most we observe, are distant stars...

There are so many unknowns,

yet, we make our own conclusions,

without accepting or understanding importance. 

From billions of years of existence, 

to billions of years of continuation, 

time is a colossal entity, to be accounted.

While the ever expanding space,

that's pulled by an invisible force, 

is a mystery, that's difficult to solve. 

We are insignificant,

in our reasoning and beliefs,

for, imagination can go deep,

when we become conscious, 

understand the gravity of world,

finding meaning, the true essence... 

From us, to the universe.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Dryness in my throat

There's a dryness in my throat,

no amount of fluid, make it go,

so I seek the remedy, the relief,

that soothes, providing moisture. 

The world is a bright place,

for many, it's a water fountain,

then there are others, facing troubles,

walking barefoot, on the desserts. 

As the days passes, it becomes harder,

the heat is intense, weather get harsher, 

dehydrating body, parched I become,

hoping for the moment, quenching this thirst. 

Let the cloud gather, shower the rain,

been tired of searching, the flowing stream,

neither the muddy puddles nor vast ocean,

would provide solace, to my weary heart. 

For, this dryness of my throat,

I fear, getting accustomed to it,

long enough to lose any cravings,

be withered, of emotions and feelings.

Saturday, August 24, 2024


A symphony of two hearts,

till death we won't be apart,

becoming each other's support,

for, we know the true art...

Redamancy, a love returned. 

There's no shadow of doubt,

no need of whispers or shouts,

to convey our deeper feelings,

and question the hereabouts, 

for, our intentions are right. 

Where souls ignite in mutual flame,

not wasting time in blame games,

it's about mutual joy and pleasure,

comfortable in each other's space,

like a mirror's sweet embrace. 

And we embark on life's journey, 

as our shared dreams take flight,

with hopes for future contentment, 

fills our heart with exuberance, 

beneath the vast blue skies. 


a silent vow, 

on our lips, that gently meet, 

in every glance, in every touch, 

a boundless well of sweet devotion. 

The world takes on a golden hue, 

as we paint it with our affection,

in the warmth of our thoughts,

and tenderness of the relations,

captivating everyone's attentions. 

For, we have known what other's seek,

in redamancy, our love would peak,

helping each other, reach the goal,

in the connections, of our soul,

with the consciousness, of the world.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Giving advices

Does it matter? 

To our kind heart,

if they don't listen,

advices and suggestions, 

that convey our concerns.

For, we have known,

the issues and problems,

that have been the reasons,

for the misfortunes fallen. 

We do understand, 

they have apprehensions,

making any wrong choice,

would elevate their tensions.

Even our expertise,

would have them question,

the veracity of claims,

for a perfect solution. 

And we step back,

out of the considerations,

of any potential failures,

bringing blames and condemnation. 

Only the liars or elites,

could make tall promises,

showing dreams, swaying emotions,

devoid of fear, of culpability. 

So, does it matter? 

For us to get involved, 

when goodwill were ignored,

knowledge is being doubted,

yet, supports were sought.

Still, we should be tolerant,

their worries do have relevance,

so, let us share our insights, 

when it's needed, at times.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Jungle feasts

It's a day of celebration, 

let's make it a special occasion,

with friends, families or colleagues, 

we would plan a get together.

Where the ground is spacious, 

we were more closer to nature,

having a spread of splendid feast,

beneath the canopy covers. 

Bringing tents, bamboos, woven mats,

along with the ingredients and utensils,

either cooking gas or traditional woods,

create an ambience and exotic flavors. 

Fresh fruits and vegetables from morning,

also includes mushrooms and paneer,

we might as well splurge a little,

with local meats and alcohol. 

As the preparations were made,

music and dance were on the sets,

people keep coming, some go exploring, 

to different routes for some adventures.

It might be a pond, with floating ducks,

or the beauty of pristine waterfall,

a public park or nature's garden,

or just a nearby hills with temple. 

Once all the participants gather,

with friends and families together,

we chat, we play, dance and sing,

as our plates were filled with starters.

And chaos descend, as juniors lunge,

while the older ones, take some bite,

some find corners, for their booze,

away from the innocents and sobers. 

Another round of party starts,

everyone had a smile and laugh,

enjoying the moments of fun,

while imbibing the rustic terrains.

All that workout makes all hungry,

finally the lunch too was ready,

we make a queue with paper plates,

to be served some delicious meal. 

With beverages and sweet dishes,

we wished each other happiness, 

be it a festival, or new year greetings,

it was a opportunity to renew connections. 

Jungle feasts, it's a norm,

celebration of life, with gratitude, 

but, tread with mindful steps,

don't leave wastes, in sacred ground. 

For, it's a collective responsibility...

To keep it clean and welcoming, for everyone.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Scavengers and decomposers


Not a bold hunter,

or vicious predators, 

but, are the silent heroes

they are the nature's cleaners. 

For, they have the keenest eyes,

for the remnants, after they die,

a rotting tomb, decaying in cold,

having the feast, ignoring the odors. 

No stench too foul, no task too grim,

scrubbing remains, surface were cleaned,

all the bones, tendons, and even hairs,

carcasses were robbed of the essentials. 

Vultures soar on sun-kissed wings, 

with their bald head and crooked beaks,

even the Jackals and cunning hyenas, 

as an opportunist, breaking bones apart. 

Even the herbivores, chew some pieces,

to extract minerals, they might need,

leftovers were taken over by insects,

decomposing them to be ingested. 

In the ground below, fungi creep,

microbial colony absorbing nutrients,

and the whole system activates,

to recycle the biomass into resources. 

From fallen leaves, to bones bleached

they breathe a new beginning, 

acting as guardian, they contribute,

transforming waste into something valued. 

They are the unsung heroes,

of our treasured ecosystem,

let us appreciate the existence,

of scavengers and decomposers. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Identity cards

In numbers, our lives defined,

plastic frames, that being assigned,

as ID, PAN, Passport, or Aadhaar,

our essence limited to small cards. 

From birth certificate's tender trace, 

school records, marking its place, 

the driving license, for vehicle rights,

and VISA stamp, to travel outside. 

In bank accounts, wealth takes form, 

need property deeds, to show fortune,

in hospital charts, and health check-ups,

we create a profile for ourselves. 

Everything requires mobile numbers,

email, and postal address also helps,

weaving a network, for our connections,

without which, we have no value. 

Yet, in this symphony of letters,

we lose the sight of the truth,

numbers cannot hold a soul,

it is free from any attachments. 

For, it's in our feelings,

in bonds and our interactions, 

the trust we build over the time,

in friends, colleagues and relations. 

So let not digits cage our soul, 

not be the key, to make us whole. 

with empathy, let kindness bind, 

in this mosaic, of us humankind.

Monday, August 19, 2024

White lies

We don't delve in falsehood,

yet, everything is not a truth,

misdirections, withheld information,

creations of hypothetical scenarios,

all for preventing the confrontations. 

We do fear the complications,

that may arise from revelations, 

of inner thoughts and desires,

or many conflicting opinions,

to the invitations or suggestions. 

Be it's a request from superiors,

some obligations from our relations,

queries from friends and families,

or some professional etiquette, 

that needed our sincere actions. 

Sometimes, we couldn't be honest,

bid our time, for change of questions, 

use polite words to comfort their issues,

feign ignorance, when being encountered, 

with situations, we want to escape from. 

White lies...

It's not our intentions to hurt,

but a way to have us conserve,

or lose energy in an unwanted cause,

only bringing discomfort and displeasure. 

So, let us tread carefully,

limit uses in our daily life,

while not blaming others,

for, everyone have a reason,

to use a little deception. 

It's a white lie, after all. :)

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Raksha Bandhan

A celebration of divine bond,

Between brothers and sisters,

Woven within sacred threads,

Tied on the wrists of brother,

With a promise of protecting,

This love between siblings, forevermore! 

Happy Raksha Bandhan to all !!


Spider's web, a nature's marvel,

silk threads woven into masterpiece, 

giving us a scare or fascination, 

when it appears, stealing attentions. 

In morning's hush, a silken snare,

like a crystal palace, spun on air,

arranged in sheets, tangling or funnels,

so thin, yet spun in extreme angles. 

Eight legged architects, creating iconic shapes,

using language of nature, Fibonacci's sequence, 

a thin liquid, hardened by surrounding air, 

harder than steel, still flexible and durable. 

Tangled chaos, yet so ordered,

a product of vision and hard work, 

for the dwelling, security and hunt,

while waiting for a potential prey. 

From sunlit strands to moonlit lace, 

a silent symphony, is being played,

as the web sways with the wind,

in scrubs, houses and the trees. 

For, in its threads, the universe is spun,

a fragile wonder, under the rising sun. 

and we walk, through this silken hall, 

caught in the magic, enthralled by its show...

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Lost to distance

Across the miles, our love begins,

like a wildfire, spreading the flame,

our hearts burning with desires,

dreamy days and sleepless nights.

Your honey dipped voice,

enticed, enlivens dry ears,

igniting the sparks inside,

showing me a colorful future. 

Everything seems pleasant,

with hope and anticipation,

indulging into this new world,

letting go of my cautions.

Yet, the excitements were short-lived,

when we faced with the realities,

virtual connections, separate schedules,

for, our professional obligations. 

Sweet words lost its charm,

conversations took negative tone,

with clashes, blames, and silence,

stretching the threads of our bond.

A shift of focus, brought the change,

built from doubts and resentments, 

desires and yearnings were replaced,

by frustrations and disappointments. 

It's not the distance of miles,

that brought the lover's despair,

but, the separation of our minds,

that led to faded feelings.

Even if we wished to have danced,

in shared horizons, hand in hand,

yet, across the miles, we understand, 

we have lost our bond to distance.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Comfort food

I relish delicious foods,

that brightens up my mood,

be it raw or being stewed,

but stimulates my taste buds. 

In the diners, or fancy restaurant,

I scan for exotics and favorites,

enchanted by their sweet fragrance,

imbibing the service and ambience. 

With each place, having the specials,

something to attract, future customers,

would pique my interest, for many trials,

be it regional, or international flavors. 

Yet, these are all fleeting feelings,

my heart still prefers homely cooking,

simple rice, chakuli (dosa) or chapatis, 

with Dal, Sabzi, or different gravy. 

In my kitchen, warmth of home,

lies a symphony of plates and spoon,

morning breakfast to evening snacks,

heavier lunches to lighter dinners. 

They might not be a lavish treat,

and even be under or overcooked,

yet there's a connection to every bite,

satiating my hunger, every single time. 

In today's world, it's old school,

that seek instant fame or thrills,

yet, there's love, and bliss infused,

in those moments, in our home... 

Savoring my comfort food.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

V for Vindication

Veiled in sweet words, it hides,

Views that are to be justified, 

Values, we seek in conversations, 

Vision for superiority of our opinions. 

Vanity, that poisons our mind,

Vulnerable we are, to its kind,

Vigor, we display for the cause,

Volcano simmering, ready to erupt. 

Vexed by the silence, where accolades lay,

Verdant with yearning for the laurels,

Void of appreciation, in our efforts,

Vows were made, for conveying thoughts. 

Vanquished by the disinterested ones,

Vanishing wisdom, due to their ignorance, 

Vehement voices were being silenced,

Validation seems like a distant dream. 

Valiant ones ascend, as ember glow,

Victorious spirits within, refuse to bow,

Vibration reverberates in every heart,

Veracity anthem were being sung. 

Virtue of the knowledge exceeds, 

Valor of courage, let us succeed,

Volume of reasons and the wisdom,

Visitors would listen to us valedictorians...

V for Vindication !



These heinous creatures,

seeking lust and control,

over other's existence.

How evil one’s action,

can steal away happiness,

for, they choose violence. 


Not just in thoughts,

also in their intentions,

causing harm to anyone. 

When innocents die,

or lose their rights,

for, they couldn't rein impulses.


Backed by the power,

influences of their position,

to remain out of reach.

And the law too weak,

blinded by limited resources, 

to punish these culprits.


Not only the perpetrators,

but the system of corruption,

all the people sponsoring them.

And the society that ignores,

out of personal interests,

the dangers, that's still lurking...

Waiting for the next prey.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024



It's taken for granted,

as if being provided,

on silver plates.

And we don't value,

the efforts went behind,

to give us these moments. 

For, nothing is truly free,

we have to work hard,

to maintain our sovereignty.

And our rights, have responsibilities, 

adhering to rules and regulations, 

through our conducts and policies.

Only then, we could experience, 

the true joy of our participation, 

as a citizen, of a liberal nation.

But, there are many challenges, 

created by our own selfishness, 

feeding the flames of corruption. 

Like a termite, they infest,

hollow out, the pillars of trust,

towards order, of the society. 

For short gains, we ignore symptoms,

until it breaks down, our foundations, 

building fragile ecosystems, to live in.


On this Independence Day,

let us promise, to spread awareness,

of respecting, protecting boundaries. 

As we pay tributes, to the sacrifices,

those dreams, of our forefathers,

for a free, and prosperous democracy!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Television shows

We have become slaves,

to glass box's flickering screen,

wasting hours in runs and reruns,

glued to sofas, chairs or floors. 

Even in our routine activities

from cleaning, cooking or resting,

our eyes and ears were attentive,

to various stories and changing scenes. 

We do need to manage boredom, 

through diverse stimulus to our senses,

not many, have found a passion,

or have duties, and a profession. 

For, life is restricted in urban dwellings,

between walls, the world feels constricting, 

we need an outlet, expand our imagination,

that excites our heart, stirring emotions. 

So, we get pulled to an illusion,

and fill the void, due to exclusion,

chipping our time, drifting us away, 

from real world, for our compulsions. 

In the quest to satiate our thirst,

and bringing spontaneity in our life,

we have fallen to passive motions,

of lazy viewing, more procrastination. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

Pristine shores

Untouched, uncharted, unexplored,

where waves whisper to lonely sands,

no sunbathers, or hawkers at site,

a hidden treasure, unsullied by human hands. 

No neon lights, or a chaotic crowd,

destroying the silence, with their shouts,

just salty air, a sky lit with golden hue,

as if a painter, dips its brush in gold. 

Here, solitude's embrace is soft and deep, 

lost from the sights of the rushing sheep,

as the forests gone, waterfalls lost charm,

even the mountains, lost their sanctity. 

Here lies secret paths, few have trod,

with bare feet I walked, as it led,

to the magical place, where horizon met,

showing the dreams, to those invited. 

No words needed, the ocean's voice is clear, 

a symphony of tranquility, dispelling my fear,

the pristine shore, that's wild and free, 

for me, it's indeed a valuable sanctuary. 

Let me wish, to keep it a secret,

this neglected haven, is my refuge,

within these waves, my heart finds solace,

as the world chases trends, I choose silence.

Sunday, August 11, 2024


I don't understand the pleasure,

of bringing harm to defenseless creatures,

in their dwellings, in their leisure,

taking breather from daily struggles. 

It's not like we had the needs,

pressure is immense, from their breed,

there's no excuse for such deeds,

only reasons beings our ego or greed. 

We have to forget the virtue of kindness,

as we gain skills in traps, holding firearms,

stalking, catching, torturing their bodies,

craving them up to display as trophies. 

Our presence itself is an abomination, 

for, we are prone for species domination,

destroying food chain along with habitations,

forcing them into verge of extinction. 

What more do we seek,

using arrows, guns in our ambush, 

being blind to the beauty of life,

a blessing, bestowed by divine. 

I do understand, contrary voices,

some might not have other choices,

but now, we are more interconnected, 

we can still nurture some compassion... 

To their despair, to their pain,

give respite from indiscriminate hunting. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Elysian dream

In the land of dreams, I reside,

where sunbeam dance, over the meadows,

and white clouds gently passing by,

casting shadows under the blue sky. 

As the wind blows over my face,

I close my eyes, imbibing the moment,

and a gentle voice calls my name,

like a whisper, caressing my ears. 

I look back, towards the place 

a distant figure, waving her hand,

standing on the gates with a smile,

just a few yards, from my house. 

I answered, walking back to her,

paused for a moment, had a chore,

the given task, that I remembered, 

bringing water, from stream of river. 

I was having a get-together,

to have lunch with loved ones,

in the backdrop of green cover,

of tall deodar trees, in the jungle. 

We talked, we laughed,

played games on the porch,

when all went back, called her,

the owner of this sweet home. 

And we come closer, as we embrace,

beneath the canopy of moonlight grace,

I felt deep love, comfort to the soul,

as if a peaceful blanket wrap around us. 

The soothing sound from the surrounding,

was making me lose grasp of the realities,

as my hand wander, through the soft skin,

the room filled with sweet melodies. 

Things were too perfect, that I feared,

for, it would be over, I had to wake up,

like a mirage, I was enchanted inside,

to an elysian dream, from my desires. 

A promised land, away from crowd,

closer to nature, with deeper bonds,

in our imagination, wishes were bloomed...

Elysium waits for us, me and you.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Simple life

We desire too much,

there's so much rush,

to achieve, to earn,

have respect and position.

Bigger houses, costly vehicles,

to live big, display grandeur, 

become an elite, cream of society,

that deserves respect and admiration. 

Indeed, pride does have a place,

our families also need the space,

that help us interact in communities, 

with our aesthetics and the grace.

Still, the wants were spread,

to the extent of our greed,

letting us struggle, have worries,

for the lack of power, and luxury. 

Do we need much?

If our necessities were met,

and have enough reserves,

for the emergencies and accidents.

Still, we keep running,

missing out of our life,

wearying into a tedious living,

having regrets of missing out. 

Adulting into obligations, 

losing the hidden passions, 

stress making us unhealthy,

having conflicts in relations.

We were reminded of old days,

in the memories, a happy place,

we escape in various addictions,

or get detached of the stimulation. 

But, all it needs a calm life,

kind heart and a sweet home,

where connections were valued,

all moments were memorable. 

Living is not a competition, 

we all have our positions,

so, I won't desire too much,

accepting things as I move... 

To live a happy life, a simple life.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

A haircut

It's a struggle,

to pick up a date,

or get the feelings,

plan for a haircut. 

Too much is uncomfortable, 

and too small is undesirable,

no matter the discussions,

an ideal volume is debatable. 

It changes with seasons,

influenced by having dandruff, 

a bit of thinning scares us,

to run for an instant haircut. 

It was easier in childhood,

only concern were shortening,

even teenager have it easy,

experimenting with the styling. 

Now, there are many factors,

taking risks might even shatter,

the image, we have carefully created, 

by breaking the balance, in our character. 

So, let me make an appointment, 

to a saloon, for some adjustments, 

of this dense jungle of hair grown...

Hoping, not to have disappointments. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Soul, an enigma


an enigma, 

captivating the imagination, 

intriguing our mind.

Is it a myth or reality,

a belief from antiquity,

being revered in the religions, 

and doubted by the science. 

There's no proof,

yet, there are signs,

in many situations,

that many can face.

With many scientists, 

looking for an evidence,

through interviews, research,

that may give us a glimpse. 

There's 'Out of body experience',

where people see themselves,

while floating above the body,

even wander to nearby places.

It's not a hallucination,

for, they could identify strangers, 

and explain the things unknown, 

even the topic of conversations. 

Then there's 'Near death experience',

by people who had been clinically dead,

Yet, revived after some time,

telling vivid tales of afterlife.

Be it eternal love and bliss,

with families or divine beings,

or a visit to heaven or hell,

depending on their actions. 

Most of these experiences, 

have some degree of convergence, 

like floating over their bodies,

having their life flashes as vision.

Moving in a tunnel, towards bright light,

where awaits spirits or deceased loved ones,

and feeling profound love and peace,

as fear, pain, and sufferings vanishes. 

Indeed, it's exciting,

to prove the soul's existence, 

with better database to rely,

than the discovery of 21grams.

Not only people's narratives, 

spiritual or religious beliefs,

but even modern medical studies,

of brain scans showing increased activities...

Just after clinical deaths. 

Then again, there are objections, 

skeptic have their own explanation,

as our brain have similar constitution, 

they promote ' dying brain hypothesis '.

As oxygen drop in dying brain,

there's final burst of mental activity,

tunnel vision due to optic nerve failure,

bright light to the neuron firing cascades...

Everything giving us the hallucinations. 

So, let us take some moment,

to marvel at our body mechanisms, 

while taking comfort to the thoughts,

the existence of a blissful afterlife. 

After all, we are aware of consciousness...

But our soul, is still a mystery. 

* 21grams ( weight of soul experiment by Duncan MacDougall 1907) 

** Inspired by Youtube channel " The Why files: Proof of life after death

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Hippety hoppety, hippety hop

Hippety hoppety, hippety hop,

don't be shy of raising your toe,

skipping steps, walking tiptoe,

moving legs like a spring. 

Be mindful of every movement,

that comes with twist and turns,

light on the foot, watching balance,

while trying different maneuver. 

Hippety hoppety, hippety hop,

like a short sprint, and a jump,

raising your knees, bending back,

and then straighten for a stop. 

It's a workout, it's an exercise,

while freshens our tired mind,

do a little stretch, loosen the muscles,

and immerse yourself in the activity. 

Hippety hoppety, hippety hop, 

don't be embarrassed, be flip-flopped,

with childhood energy, mature outlook,

perform the steps, to strengthen the body.

Monday, August 5, 2024


In the world of darkness,
which only knows sufferings, 
lies a pleasure unknown,
that entices our feelings. 
In the quest for justice,
we create an opening,
where its shadows creeps,
and a nightmare begins. 

As a web, it encircles us,
in the coil of our vengeance, 
slowly moving further away,
from the cause of righteousness. 
Like embers being fanned, 
by letting our anger burn,
each memory would revisit the hurt,
consuming our thoughts and emotions. 

And we forget to live,
care for friends and family,
diving deeper into our hatred,
missing out of better opportunities. 

A silent poison, 
corrupts our mind,
by stealing our peace.
And we wander forsaken lanes,
for avenging our insult and pain,
to satisfy the hurt of our pride,
regardless of the consequences. 

But, not all battles should be fought,
many could have seen settlements,
an act of empathy would have helped,
if we choose to forgive and forget. 

So, let the kindness bloom,
embrace love, renounce hate,  
do not venture into the tempest,
destroying self, drowning in our vengeance. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

When we have cold

When we have cold,

we seek the warmth,

a thick blanket cover,

or turn up the heater. 

If we are burning,

having pain and fatigue,

we might avail home remedies,

to act against the sickness. 

And when we have fever,

with sneeze and runny nose,

we seek the doctor's prescriptions,

for gulping down the medications. 

It's a common thing,

that has been effective,

letting us be worry free,

facing the onslaught of the disease. 

Yet, things have now changed,

with an accessibility of services,

we don't want to spend time,

to rest and recuperate. 

So, we take the easy way out,

by suppress prevailing symptoms

without knowing the dangers,

that comes from self-medications. 

Fever and pain aren't our enemy, 

antibiotics are not our friend,

but, we have the pills ready,

to influx them in our system. 

And we break the balance,

through our excessive interference, 

while making our body weaker,

to fight against future ailments. 

So, when we have cold,

it might be a seasonal affection,

let us take informed measures,

by considering it as natural occurrence. 

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Our planet has a consciousness

What if...

Our planet has a consciousness, 

that moves with a purpose,

in every rotation, and circles,

through the orbit around the sun.

Every life that ever existed,

through million years of evolution, 

have come with an expiry date,

determined by their actions. 

What if...

It observes and determines,

the impact of our actions,

the prospects of various elements, 

that governs the functioning of its essence.

And when, life overstays its residence, 

it creates scenarios, and situations, 

through ecological or biological calamities, 

that would bring an eventual extinction. 

What if,

The time period of survival depends,

on the pressure, many species brings,

to the limits of our planet's tolerance,

forcing it to put a plan in motion.

Which would comes in different phases,

floods, droughts, or ash from volcanic eruptions,

extremes of weather or bringing ice age,

and now, wars and nuclear weapons. 

What if,

We still have a choice,

to be able to make needed changes,

like the period of previous lifeforms,

lengthen our time through coexistence.

For, we have the awareness of the universe, 

with an ability to make intelligent decisions,

as long as we heed to nature's voice,

we still have plenty of opportunities...

To make progression. 

Friday, August 2, 2024

Feelings are personal

Our feelings are personal,

not something we could share, 

or putting them into categories, 

through any logic or reasoning.

Be the advices or suggestions, 

any motivation from lofty words,

wouldn't change most of our opinions,

if we don't have the comprehension. 

Not many are receptive...

To be open to recommendations, 

either we prefer confidentiality, 

or become influenced by our ego. 

Even goodwill are being scorned,

doubting other's rights and intentions, 

creating invisible boundaries around,

without any openings or entrance. 

Our hurt and sufferings are personal,

only a few were allowed to listen,

whom we trust with our vulnerabilities,

else we protect our sensitive heart.

And they were allowed to our emotions,

till the time, we drift to other directions,

eventually we would become strangers,

restricted to the surface of our sensations. 

Everything begins, end with ourselves,

still we desire those connections, 

for, feelings might be subjective, 

but we all need the stimulation. 

So, have awareness of self, 

be open to healthy discussions, 

it's human nature to preserve, 

nothing wrong in keeping our feelings...


Thursday, August 1, 2024

There's no single answer

There's no single answer,

to the riddles that life pitches,

at every step of the ladder,

we were intending to climb.

It's not the hurdles we face,

or the steepness of the rise,

that would demoralize our will,

in our quest for success. 

There's no save point,

it's a continuous journey, 

having many encounters,

and some hard farewells. 

We would have meetings,

giving us temporary feelings,

but, these are momentary occasions, 

on most part, it's a solo expedition. 

So, my fellow travelers,

let's make it an adventure, 

where we learn from experiences,

being open to many exposures. 

And we invest, our precious time,

in grand display, of fleeting illusions,

as we feel thoroughly those moments, 

yet be detached, to their outcomes. 

For, there's no single answer,

we have multiple paths available,

each one having their realities, 

each one have their puzzles.

Life is an exercise, practice to perfect, 

there are many chances, to ace the tests,

so, let's not rush, walk at steady pace,

to reach our destination...eventually.