Sunday, August 14, 2022




things that work,

everyday greetings,

simple gestures that we appreciate.

These days we are busy,

be it emotional unavailability,

sometimes work are hard,

facing stresses of life. 


We might seek solitude,

taking comfort in ourselves,

but loneliness does struck,

coming out in unexpected times.


And then we might need,

Eyes that see, ears that listen,

just a shoulder that supports,

steering though difficult times!


That's not all it is...

as someone that shares,

our joy or sadness,

with advice and encouragements!

Connections that we desire,

one that might see though our lenses,

but it also needs compromises,

to understand things they aspire.


Still it's worth it,

experience we might have,

making up the memories,

bonds that would get stronger,

As we keep holding on......


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