Friday, January 3, 2025

Sweet sweet sugary world

Sweet sweet sugary world,

luring people, young or old,

showing us pleasant dreams,

gratifying our taste buds. 

From toffees to chocolates,

flavored drinks and ice creams,

traditional sweets to pastries, 

everything is so tempting. 

As a surprise, in our childhood, 

or an outing, with an adult friend,

being part of the meal as dessert,

and a reward, for our hard work. 

Ah, so much of love is spread,

though these delectable dishes,

stirring happy feelings inside,

when we relish, divine creations. 

Many are addicted, to every bite,

regardless of consequences, at sight,

tooth decay, and upset stomach,

getting complications, from diabetes. 

Sweet Sweet sugary world,

losing touch of natural options,

ignoring every warning foretold,

we keep diving deeper...into its fold. 

For, it's our guilty pleasure.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Afforestation, the saving grace

Deforestation, an evil shadow,

cast upon the spirit of development, 

miles of barren lands, that we encounter,

with the creation, of concrete jungles.

Yet, let's keep our hopes alive,

things changing, as individuals strive,

their efforts, might be drops in an ocean,

propelling our world, in a better direction. 

A sustainable world...

Not a distant dream,

for, people have gathered,

and organizations chip in.

World governments too,

starting to recognize,

taking initiatives and actions,

for a better environment. 

Afforestation...The saving grace,

helped humanity to compensate,

heal earth from the devastation,

mankind actions have contributed. 

So, arrived many warriors, 

sometime fighting a lone battle,

inspiring and assembling volunteers, 

to create an ecosystem of saviors. 

Let us take some moments,

and celebrate their achievements, 

as they restore the green covers,

infusing energy into mother nature.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Planting seeds for tomorrow

Stranded I was,

have I moved?

Commencing newer journey,

when I pursued...

Taking initiatives,

having promises renewed.

And I...

Sowed seeds of wishes,

to be granted in the future, 

when I become committed, 

with efforts, being transducer...

And, like a fertile soil,

this year would embrace,

my dreams & aspirations, 

letting me water with intentions, 

filtering worries and concerns.

Each day, I would monitor,

not become lazy or complacent, 

let light of passion & dedication, 

providing energy and the nutrients...

Still, be vigilant, of harsh weathers, 

bringing setbacks, and the failures,

shielding it from drought & floods,

of changing times or my emotions!

And I pray...

Let the roots, spread far and wide,

and shoot be sturdy, reach the heights, 

extending branches, to receive the lights,

so, it can stand, with pride!