Sunday, June 30, 2024

Generous love

Let me envelope in your kindness,

in this cold world, feelings are transient, 

filled with lies and broken promises,

be my savior, a beacon of benevolence. 

I don't need grand gestures,

rather have things simpler,

those moments, us being together,

would be more precious, my treasures. 

For, I seek your tender care,

genuine interactions that's sincere,

wouldn't it be enough, to be happy,

sharing experiences, exploring life's tapestry. 

A shoulder to lean, an ear to listen,

if there's struggle, someone to support,

in gentle embrace, letting out the tears,

in the darkest days, letting go of fears. 

And we would become vulnerable, 

building this bond through trust,

spending our time, blissful days,

while sharing dreams and our hope. 

So, be generous with your love,

drown me in desires and affection,

let us seek joy and pleasure,

two souls being entwined together.

Friday, June 28, 2024


In the dark abyss, I walk,

where shadows loom, evil stalk,

an uncharted territory, filled with dread,

where sinners live, and malice is bred. 

I seek for a place in this world,

where I can escape, my haunted past,

finally getting relief, from this curse,

resting these tired eyes, my solace. 

But now, it's an unending path,

I tread, without worries of their attacks,

seen too much, defending is not a concern,

been too long, being a solitary fighter. 

I keep moving, undeterred by my fear,

only this hatred, sustains my hunger,

with betrayals and losses, etched in memory, 

making my heart cold, in this darkness. 

For, I am ready for my trials,

as long as I achieve my goals,

when finally, I pass the judgement,

with my hands, I give the punishment. 

May be then, glimmer of hope appears,

in its gentle glow, I would find my peace,

letting me go back to those forgotten days,

where wishes, prayers, and emotions are felt. 

Till then, I would wander in darkness,

engulfed in this poison of my hatred,

a violent maniac, I am berserk,

searching for one, who deserves my rage.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A boat ride

As the sun rises,

shining its golden rays,

I embarked for a ride,

in the river's gentle sway. 

The light radiates the blue sky,

birds too having a chorus play,

the boatman rows the paddle,

as I gaze upon emerging sceneries. 

The oars dip with rhythmic grace,

like a symphony of water's embrace,

the wooden vessel picks up the pace,

towards the location of my desired place. 

In the river murmurs, soft and low,

along the direction, of flowing course,

the seagulls gather, squawk and follow,

hoping for some snacks, to be thrown. 

On this divine land, in the lap of mother,

melodies are created, lullabies were sung.

Sunbeams danced upon the stream,

the shimmering path felt like a dream. 

In this serene and tranquil scene,

where cradle of spirituality begins,

the nature displays pure delight,

in river's flow, the bird in flight.

Monday, June 24, 2024

A vicious cycle

It's a vicious cycle,

complacency, symptoms and detection,

prognosis, treatment and concerns,

and a lifetime of precautions. 

It's natural to feel scared,

fear for the worst and prepare,

along with the pain and sufferings, 

endured with regrets and acceptance. 

But the therapy demands sacrifices,

facing the long term consequences,

even after recovery, needing due care,

with love and support of someone familiar. 

Not all are the fortunate ones,

many more have just given up,

for, their life is much cheaper,

than the cost of those procedures. 

So, the cycle continues,

every day, there's someone new,

even without any unhealthy habits,

as toxins have seeped in our surroundings. 

And, we could only be the witness,

wondering the reasons of its progress,

blaming their lifestyle, presence of pollutants,

while their household, break in the process.

Saturday, June 22, 2024


I am the one who carries,

the throbbing pain of those memories, 

so, would be the one to pester,

and let these wounds fester,

but, it demands a payment, 

ending up as my resentment. 

Like a poison, it would seep,

spreading its branches, deep within,

with sadness and anger, it would grow,

every disappointment would let it show,

through the words, in our actions,

making us unhappy, a bitter person. 

For, we have endured for long,

any chance of forgiveness are gone,

even if we ignore, close our eyes,

it would still hurt, like a thorn inside,

and the darkness, clouding our spirit,

pushing us down, into spiraling negativity. 

So, let us choose separate ways,

nothing good comes from holding grudges, 

we are good people, leave the past behind,

retaining toxic emotions, makes us unkind,

all that weighs in heart, is a burden unknown,

let us create an opening, to loosen up. 

Seek understanding, cultivate empathy,

bridge this gap, through our kindness,

and it will heal our wounded heart,

by embracing the virtue of forgiveness, 

letting compassion be our guiding light,

I would finally get resentment. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024


Thou shall seek liberation, 

for, the world is your shackle,

there lies blissful pleasures,

in the realm of heavenly abode.

We are confined in mortal earth,

facing pain and daily struggles, 

it's an ordeal bestowed upon us,

to make us realize the blessings...

Of supreme divinity. 

We, an intelligent and social being,

crave the answers to unknown things,

we sought guidance for enlightening, 

as ignorance was shameful and weakening. 

Their words were magical, so compelling, 

we followed them without questioning, 

for, they gave answers, for mental peace,

a goal to achieve, following their directives. 

Yet, the joy was short-lived,

worldly exposures sowed new seeds,

of doubts, queries and newer ideals,

that shook the base of our understandings.

The cycle of life, had different endings,

some prefer revival, others simply perish,

the thoughts of afterlife or lack of it,

confined us within an illusion of reality. 

We wanted to take full control,

have the power to choose at will,

so, we created the codes of living,

for, we wanted to be truly free.

And I too, now stand on this stage,

where the roles carry their assignment,

Yet, I sometimes wonder, as I played,

what is the need of this grandeur... 

If liberation is all it needs??

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Wake up!

Wake up, 

it's morning,

let's see the sunrise,

for the first time.

Breathe some fresh air,

listen to bird songs,

have a small routine, 

of walking and observation. 

Wake up,

don't be sleepy,

it's a time for exploring, 

than falling in slumber.

We have many days,

to cling to the bed,

don't take sweet time,

let's grasp these fleeting moments. 

Wake up,

we are here for a reason,

these days are special,

have some motivation. 

And you will experience, 

the magic of this place,

when you open your eyes,

and take your few steps... 

Just wake up!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Instant pictures

Instant pictures,

capturing the moment,

with enough experience, 

enhance the beautiful image.

Each eye sees something different,

it's an effect of their viewpoints,

that might excite, pique our interest,

making us appreciate their skill set. 

With modern advancements, 

we have reached at this stage,

from the shutter, to the viewer,

it doesn't take much time or space.

From amateurs to professionals,

many tried to explore and experiment, 

for friends, families and followers,

sharing their joy, wonder and excitement. 

So bring me more of this stimulus, 

I am waiting with open arms,

let me savor these exposures, 

a presentation of your artistry.

Like a painting in a canvas,

a composition in a ballad,

all those feelings being infused,

while emphasizing every minor details. 

Let me get mesmerized, 

become aware of my ignorance,

with vast selection, many contributors, 

an endless supply, for my collection.

I am indeed fortunate, 

to arrive at my generation, 

an appreciation of the opportunities,

being granted by social medium. 

Let the movement continue, 

there is so much discover.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Mosquito's bites

As the dusk becomes the night,

and we could rest our tired eyes,

a pesky foe raises its tiny fangs,

to quench the thirst for our blood. 

Hiding in the corners and crevices,

a tormentor waits for its chance,

invading our peaceful chambers,

fluttering wings making buzzing sound. 

It's proboscis, sharp like a needle,

pierces inside, after numbing skin,

a feast begins, as it greedily drains,

leaving behind a feeling of pain. 

And so, starts the game of chase,

try to capture, following our gaze,

we swing, we swat, whatever in hand,

to get rid of this abomination. 

Sleep, becomes a distant dream,

as we struggle with the itch,

tossing and turning, taking covers,

using every means to protect ourselves. 

Not only irritation, they are a threat,

spreading deadly diseases, carrying inside,

likes of Malaria, Dengue, Chinkungunya, 

bringing worries, concerns to many. 

So, guard against these deadly invaders,

with nets, sprays or creams as deterrent,

protecting us and our loved ones,

from mosquito's bites, sneaky and unpleasant.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Let my wings soar

 Let my wings soar,

unrestrained by given roles,

far above, away from their reach,

towards the sky, that I loved.

Their visions are narrowed,

impervious to passing clouds,

any changes make them bothered,

so they stick to the ground. 

Let my wings soar,

so I can travel to distant places,

where I will savor the colors,

spreading through the sunlight,

Then I would seek companions, 

accompanying me in these trysts,

of this journey of many unknowns,

to surprise me, with wondrous feasts. 

Let my wings soar,

for, nothing interests me anymore,

being weary of the monotonousity,

so, I crave of something grandeur. 

But, it would require sacrifices,

something I am not willing yet,

and I would prepare for that day,

when I open this invisible cage, and fly away. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


An internal conflict,

of ideas and belief,

seeking a solution,

through logic and reasoning.

For, we have exposures, 

bringing us many confusions,

with contradictory opinions,

messing up with our notions. 

And we search for answers,

might give a fierce resistance,

defending thoughts against others,

while clinging to our truth. 

It's in our upbringing,

from family or the society, 

creating values and principles,

while narrowing our perception. 

But the world in too vast,

every culture has its class,

have to accept their presence, 

we can't remain too ignorant. 

We would have clashes,

offended by certain acts,

yet, both might be right,

as the contexts are essential . 

We reach a state of impasse,

neither side could back down,

while in reality, we were lost,

in this infinite maze of reality.

There's nothing black and white,

being enveloped in shade of gray,

we would be naive to dismiss them,

missing out of potential insights. 

So, have a flexible mindset,

embrace uncertainty and confusion,

it's not a sign of mental weakness,

rather an inevitable occurrence. 

On this open-minded, intellectual journey,

let us cultivate patience and humility,

entertain thoughts, from their perspectives, 

To truly understand, diverse nature of reality.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

I wouldn't have known

I wouldn't have known,

this heart's desire, my love,

yet, this ache, is an unending burn,

for, you are the one, that I yearn. 

You were always in my dreams,

with your charm, it's beautiful gleam,

like a mirage, in the haze,

you would appear, in my gaze. 

And I am aware, of your presence, 

brightening my world, with your luminescence, 

slowly and steadily, encroaching my thoughts, 

as you take permanent residence, in my heart. 

So, I longed, to hold you near,

whispering sweet words in your ears,

pulling your arms, sneaking a snuggle,

stealing a kiss, without any hurdle. 

Forgive me, for these fantasies, 

fulfilling cravings, in these lies,

for, you have been away too long,

not even aware of these love songs. 

So, I bring those memories back,

to reignite, and feel the warmth,

for, you were the soulmate, my destiny,

and I wanted to be with you...till eternity. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Sin of anger

The sin of anger,

manifests at unexpected time,

with a surge of emotions,

it directs the flow of conversation. 

Contrary to our intentions, 

it breaks many connections,

shattering dreams, destroying relations,

bringing cycles of despair, even violence. 

Anger, is indeed a bane to our soul,

an invisible poison, corrodes our core,

clouding the mind, as we lose sight,

becoming blind to the surroundings.

Even without hatred, just difference in opinions,

might ignite, bouts of disagreements,

fuelling our rage, raising our voice,

even throwing insults and abuses. 

Acting rashly, in the heat of those moments, 

gratified of letting it out, asserting dominance,

would bring us joy, boosting our pride,

unknowingly plants the seed of discordance. 

And we become ignorant, of other's feelings,

hurt and disrespect, they might bring,

in the quest of putting forward our point, 

we might have made some grave mistakes. 

Not all things are forgiven,

and regrets becomes guilt laden,

dragging us down, day by day,

robbing moments of peace and joy.

So, heed this warning call,

coming from a fellow sinner,

learn to control these impulses,

embrace empathy and compassion. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

What makes our life worthwhile?

What makes our life worthwhile?

Not the path of learned and wise,

or fortunate ones, living it king-size,

but the masses with dreams in the eyes. 

Would they be content, by achievements,

fulfilling their criteria of the success, 

or acquiring the material possessions,

with wealth and fame in their accession? 

With the freedom to live the life,

explore and experience without strife,

as all the feelings are gratified, 

and wishes answered without delays. 

But, the world is not that forgiving,

and we have struggles in our dealings,

there are setbacks and disappointments, 

so, what's our motivation to keep going? 

Is it love, which brings the motivation,

or an inherent tendency, for some appreciation,

as we seek to be valued and acknowledged, 

when our actions are admired and respected. 

But we can be selfish, in our interests,

still crave connections, to be accepted, 

someone who discovers, cherish our presence,

listen to our tales, without any judgment. 

May be then, we could find happiness,

when someone embraces our existence,

for, that compassion impresses our heart,

living becomes worthwhile, in their kindness. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Let's celebrate the winners

Let's celebrate the winners,

who captured heart of followers, 

carrying the wishes and aspirations, 

becoming voices of the people. 

Yet, it's also a responsibility...

that they have to welcome,

strive for the advancements, 

while listening to the concerns. 

Everyone have work hard,

we shouldn't belittle the efforts,

let the result of this contest,

determine the relationship forged. 

So, extend your hands to support,

even if it's a consolation to losers,

for, they too carry the hope of many,

share the worries, of certain sections. 

There might be some misgivings,

but it's not a permanent fight,

come together, as citizens of this nation,

open the path, for a glorious future.

Sunday, June 2, 2024


We have an eye for beauty,

that enthrall us by its presence,

sometimes we admire, from afar,

or embrace them in our arms. 

We are unique, in our desires,

that are catered by beautiful liars,

showing us unattainable dreams,

through the promotion of their living.

So, we create false values,

chasing the person, we can use,

rather than one, who compliments,

our ideals and reason of being. 

But then, we favor better options,

for partners, who match our worth,

the present lifestyle opens up opportunities, 

to wait and explore, for a better deal.

And so, we keep on playing games,

losing precious time, in the process,

causing the hurt, and disappointments, 

by making a light of many relationships. 

Gone were those days, 

when we appreciated intellect, 

the genuineness of connections, 

or the integrity of the person.

Nor, we put effort in similar kind,

and be more acceptable to our find,

being too self-centered, in our pursuit,

putting our opinions, as an absolute. 

Now, love comes with various conditions,

satisfying societal or financial positions,

there's no interest, to see from other's lenses,

as we prioritize our personal preferences. 

Still, we should celebrate, this thought process, 

for, they do define, our unique essence,

may we find partners with shared passion,

whom we love, from our hearts and soul.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Exit polls

 Poll of polls,

these are the exit polls,

taking opinions of voters,

when they exit, after casting vote.

The media is frenzy,

too excited to show,

The collected data,

a prime-time show. 

For, these distributed numbers,

influences masses, generating interests,

gathering viewers, glued to their seats,

hoping for their leaders, to succeed. 

Yet, these were mere predictions,

trying to capture, mood of a nation,

the final tally, might even change,

regardless of the speculated outcome. 

And it all comes down to the ones,

pollster, standing outside polling station,

conducting survey, approaching people,

and managing to get honest answers.

For, a faulty collection of poll,

riddle the data with sampling error,

even voters biases, distort the results,

causing faulty analysis, incorrect projections. 

Yet, they are part of the electoral process,

giving important insights, of the results,

bringing relief or worries to stakeholders, 

but for some people, it's bread and butter.