Saturday, October 12, 2024

The festive foe

In joyous occasions, the city gleams,

visitor throngs, creating chaotic scenes,

yet, lurking in shadows, danger awaits,

putting dampers, on their festive spirits...

Naive hearts, getting easily swayed,

distractions worked, in negligence, 

with cunning hands, & sly intentions,

snatch funds, from their wallets.

It takes moments, them to realize,

with an unease, keeps them occupied,

checking for cash, finding it empty,

worries & distress, affect their minds.

For many others, it's a time of despair,

IDs & documents, has to be shared,

ATM withdrawal, enhancing their scare,

depriving them, of much-needed cheers.

Thieves & pickpockets...

They are the festive foes,

creating victim, out of many,

seeking joy, from other's misfortunes, 

they are the evils, that needs cautions...

When we tread, in crowded places!!

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