Thursday, May 2, 2024

Probiotics and prebiotics


these small microorganisms, 

having interactions with human,

through outside, from within.

In the millennia of our evolution,

they learned to keep a balance, 

to live and prosper in harmony,

with its host and ecosystem. 

But, things do change, for the worse,

as a part of our natural selection,

they too carry their respective role,

in this game of survival of the fittest. 

We may develop ways to resist,

even kill them with antibiotics, 

still, we cannot deny their existence, 

they have their ways of persistence. 

So, let us make them our friends,

the one, residing inside our body,

for, millions use it as their dwelling,

as commensal, parasite or symbiosis. 

Most important, are the gut microbiome,

taking part, in many specific functions, 

from nutrient metabolism to immunomodulation,

playing different roles, give their contribution. 

And we can help, these good microbes,

while inhibiting, rise of bad pathogens, 

by managing our diets with prebiotics,

while supporting colonies, through probiotics. 

Prebiotics, are the fiber rich foods,

that let gut bacteria to thrive and grow, 

Probiotics, the living microorganisms,

keeping the balance, of gut surroundings. 

Let's raise the glass to these dynamic duos,

together they help us live healthier lives,

Prebiotics like fruit and vegetables,

added to whole grains and legumes...

And probiotics, from fermented products,

likes of Yogurt, Miso, Kimchi, Sauerkraut,

will help us feed, our guts wisely, 

reaping benefits, through our diet.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Meaningless chatter

On the streets, people gather, 

in markets, they have the chatter,

that goes beyond exchanging pleasantries, 

with gossips, charades, and comments. 

Their words were sharp as blades,

sharing opinions on issues and policies, 

that doesn't confer to their expectations, 

had brought some discomfort or stress. 

But, these expressions were meaningless, 

as they bring no cheers or solace,

and they let their time go waste,

without discussions that are relevant. 

Not having the situational awareness,

of the direction these conversation takes,

that might plant seeds of discordance,

in the naive heart of many individuals. 

Still, there should be healthy discussions, 

societies wouldn't grow with indifference,

but it should be subjected to rationality, 

with mutual respect and understanding. 

May be then, we could bring change,

as it makes us observe and reflect,

where pessimism and envy had no place,

and voices were heard with prudence. 

So, don't fall for such incitement,

take your time before giving statements,

with constructive thoughts, things that matter,

there's nothing good having...meaningless chatter.

Sunday, April 28, 2024


A combination of strength and values,

it's the basis of psychological well-being,

influencing our thoughts, and behaviors, 

this love for oneself...drives self-respect. 

So, what are the factors that instill,

our self worth, a sense of being,

is it our actions, or place of birth,

or amount of success and failures? 

Self-esteem, does have its role,

an overall evaluation of oneself, 

the more it is, more is our pride,

while a lack of, make us a coward. 

Even in our childhood experiences, 

quality of relationships with caregivers,

a good support system is determinative, 

providing security and positive reinforcement. 

It also needs a proper understanding, 

of the concepts of our inherent identity, 

being aware of strengths and weaknesses, 

by exploring the essence of our reality. 

Even social norms and standards, 

have it's involvement and impacts,

as other's judgment and opinions, 

diminishes respect or brings enhancements. 

By treating ourselves with kindness, 

facing bravely, rejections and failures,

also understanding and accepting mistakes, 

we can cultivate qualities, of self-compassion. 

But, we also need the ability, 

to maintain some healthy boundaries,

by knowing about our personal limits, 

and asserting them when necessary. 

With a set of ideals and principles, 

acting for our ethics and values,

we experience a sense of integrity, 

that again promotes, our self-respect. 

Finally, an effective emotional regulation, 

balanced, adaptive response to challenges,

acknowledging our flaws and imperfections, 

lead us to achieve, a state of Self-respect... 

Providing us the confidence,

to live a life of fulfillment. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Esoteric hobbies

I yearn for the kindred spirits, 

one who can understand the allure,

but they are few, and far between,

to whom I should share, without fear. 

I explore its beauty, bask in its fame,

in hushed whispers, I carry its name,

afraid of judgment, of being shamed,

for, these hobbies aren't mainstream. 

We follow what we see,

to be part of the community,

but, sometimes it's difficult to integrate,

getting accustomed to their choices. 

My esoteric delights, enrich the soul, 

but sharing them, is a daunting goal,

for a society that prefers uniformity,

expecting us, let go of our individuality. 

So I keep it secret, close to my chest, 

wary of ridicule, of being dismissed. 

still I cherish these hidden gems, 

knowing they are a part of me, nonetheless. 

In the realm of the esoteric, 

we find solace, and our freedom,

for, someone out there, will care, 

loving us, for who we are...even if it's rare.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Free will

Do we have a free will?

A question that baffled many...

Do we truly have the power to choose,

or an invisible force pulling the string ? 

Some say, it's all an illusion, 

a myth we believe, to ease our confusion, 

that, every decision were predetermined, 

by a force beyond our comprehension. 

Then again, others argue, it being real,

the feels and emotions, are ours alone,

only we, have the true power...

To create our reality, shaping own destiny.

There were also times, it was chained,

others had decided, how we behaved,

then came revolutions, breaking those shackles,

finally roam under the sky, imbibing the freedom. 

With individual rights, as an ammunition, 

free will was promoted, had the acceptance, 

societies flourished, under liberal institutions,

celebrating diversities, among the creations. 

But, how much of it, is accountable?

For, excess would be bad, even unstable,

as everyone start acting on their impulses,

bringing chaos, without any supervision. 

For free will, there were no right answers,

perhaps the solution, lies in having balance,

having the power to follow our heart,

while respecting boundaries of others. 

So, cherish your gift of free will,

don't take it for granted, as per your wish,

become wiser and take care, not to breach,

for, your actions does affects, your surrounding. 

Monday, April 22, 2024

Feeling of longing

Sun spread its shining rays,

springs come and goes away,

as the planet completes revolutions,

I was left with longing and wait. 

Seasons changes, days passed, 

I stand suspended, on this path,

watching them break and wither,

all the plans that I ever had. 

Am I the only one to be blamed,

even with the dedicated mindset,

carving the place, building a nest,

building a home out of this place. 

I might have been too stubborn, 

with desires for some perfection,

but was disappointed too often,

to find a spark, the connection. 

Yet, the life hadn't been fair,

wiser me cultivated perseverance,

to find a path of acceptance,

in the chaos of desires and expectations. 

I was aware of those missed chances,

for the sake of aesthetics and ideals,

so, I don't lament the lost past,

even if I felt stranded and parched. 

Loneliness do teach us lessons,

it's an opportunity to gain wisdom,

let me take these moments to learn,

for, I might not have been the only one... 

And there's a lot of us out there,

with these feelings, in crevices of the heart,

when the emptiness start gnawing inside,

bringing these realities to our attention. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Greetings and compliments

Sometimes I wonder,

are greetings a mere formality,

compliments are not sincere,

while using it in meetings or interactions. 

Like a show of our respect,

an act of being polite or courtesy,

are these words lies mere on surface,

and not coming deep from the heart ? 

May be, we were conditioned,

to provide simple superficial words,

and commence our work or meetings,

without giving it a second thought. 

Compliments, are a different matter,

we hesitate, to make things awkward,

being insecure of the reactions,

even avoid the chances, out of fear. 

But I do believe, if there's kindness, 

a warm hello would bring happiness, 

a genuine compliment given with grace,

might brighten someone's day. 

Yet, the world is often cold,

not knowing the worth of these gestures,

that break down walls, building bridges,

reminding us, people have the goodness. 

So let's not be afraid to greet or praise,

warm our hearts with its gentleness, 

in the world where love is all we need,

greetings and compliments....

Can plant the seed.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

This morning,

This morning, I had a thought,

of having a visit to heavenly realm,

with you my dear, hand in hand,

to ease our heart under its charm. 

You have been overworked,

from the burden carried in the head,

so, let's take a break for now,

letting loose, away from the crowd. 

Just us, sharing those moments,

in the company of nature's symphony,

as mountains echo, the voice of our heart,

and gentle rain showers, ever welcoming. 

Let us just roam around the wilderness, 

without the thought of tomorrow plans,

as we explore, wherever curiosity demands,

following the instincts from days of innocence. 

A bit of adventure, pleasant surprises, 

planning something spicy, for night pleasures,

anything and everything that would ignite,

the flame of passion, within our mind. 

Our time together, would be the treasure, 

let us fill it with precious memories,

and we would return to mundane life,

with warmth and sunshine of these times.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


A plan was made, selecting dates,

for a special occasion, to celebrate, 

our connections of past, invisible threads,

by meeting friends or our batchmates.

So we gather, greeting each other,

marvel how time, affected ourselves, 

with some teasing and comments,

lighten up the mood, for the events.


There's something, that remains,

no matter the years, we have faced,

when we meet, reminiscing older days,

enjoying the evening, in the gathering. 

A lot have been different,

having gone through many events,

some transformations are surprising,

few things have remained the same. 

We have smiles and laugh,

while discussing recent developments,

plans for future, exciting stories,

while nudging the ones that's left behind. 

Even in success, there's little envy,

the boasting too are lighthearted,

a meeting of friends, fellow travelers, 

in this journey, facing similar situations. 

With goodwill at heart, we share concerns,

wishing everyone for a better future,

an outing to have fun discussion,

promising ourselves for another...get-together.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Let's build a garden

Let's build a garden,

filled with native plants,

and provide some shelter,

to the species that's forsaken.

For, these abhorred beings,

are at the bottom of the food chain,

yet, are important for the survival, 

of the beauties in the surroundings. 

We love to hear the songbirds, 

eyes follow the fluttering butterfly, 

much more of these small critters,

along with amphibians and reptiles.

But, they are now a rare sight,

for, their future is not bright,

with habitat loss, and pesticides, 

facing death through thousand knives. 

With the loss of insects abundance,

for development and human encroachment,

bird and mammals have rapid decline,

gravely impacting the biodiversity.

So, let's build a garden,

in every nook and corner,

with small plants, big trees,

to provide better ecosystems. 

The plants capture solar energy, 

insects would be primary dispensers,

those aphids and caterpillars, in turn, 

would feed many other lifeforms.

The garden might look shabby,

but will be brimmed with life energy,

with various insects, frogs and birds,

provided with a safer environment. 

When all of us join hands,

not use lawn as status symbol,

planting native species in private lands,

would be our contribution to the nature.

Each drop would flow to the ocean,

when common people feel empowered, 

our actions do bring destruction,

but it could also be used for...Conservation. 

Friday, April 12, 2024


Who doesn't want, to extend their life,

live a little longer, on the healthier side,

to be with loved ones, enjoy their time,

spending moments, on favorite activities.

But, things don't go as we desire,

falling victim to disease and injuries,

some are unavoidable, so be cautious, 

but a lot more... are under our control. 

Epigenetic, that studies our actions,

through behavior and environment, 

would bring changes that affects,

how our gene works, giving us advantage...

Epigenetic, influences gene expression,

giving an opportunity, to reverse bad effects,

needing major modifications or minor adjustments, 

through our diet, or simple change of pace. 

Modern lifestyle has its demands,

even clean water and air are rare,

with indulgence in many pleasures,

having no care for any consequences.

Healthcare advancements lengthened lifespan,

but quality of living, is still a far cry...

For, we have been involved in a lifestyle,

that denies mindfulness, and health consciousness. 

So, change your life, while you can,

research your options, that are available, 

like control your diet, limit those sugars,

steps like intermittent fasting, is a struggle.

Have a good night sleep, be stress-free, 

let body be utilized, in repair of the body,

by facing challenges, some of adversaries, 

which might stimulate, our longevity genes... 

Let's include fresh fruit and vegetables, 

limit excess amino acids, through meat products,

it might not be a pleasant way, to avoid cravings,

also we can mimic, by adding researched molecules.

Scientists might soon produce some drugs,

still we need to learn, from many centerians, 

And we could make the masses aware,

make epigenetic...the future of preventive healthcare.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Habit of writing

"Writing, not a mere hobby, 

but a way to declutter,

acting as a release." 

Let's give writing, some dedicated time,

be it minutes or hours, from our hand,

as a mean to diminish, stress and tension,

boost our health, and increase confidence. 

It would then awaken our imagination, 

even act as a decent foundation,

stimulating thoughts, initiating actions,

as a step, towards right direction. 

To understand ourselves better,

we could start with a journal,

where we can write anything,

without judgements & inner criticism. 

Some might take rational approach, 

make things pretty, more presentable,

there would be days, thoughts are blank,

making us lose interests in the endeavor. 

Those days could be difficult,

still, start with even half a sentence,

like our activities, in the morning,

or plans, we have for subsequent day. 

And when we get a hang of it,

we could go a little further,

raising difficulties, by taking topics,

or sharing, our feeling or emotions. 

So, grab a paper, or digital platform,

write without worries, and expectations,

don't feel down, never do comparison, 

express thoughts freely...without inhibitions. 

Habit of writing...

It's a wonderful conception, 

promoting mindfulness, sharpens perception, 

helping us to cope up, with our struggles...

And become a better person.

Monday, April 8, 2024


Making us anxious in childhood,

when enforced by our parents,

not knowing that it's a process,

of reining over unreasonable acts. 

Discipline, a word that brought apprehensions, 

to our innocent mind, that sought freedom,

but later we learned its importance, 

in helping us become a better person. 

For, we were needed to be taught,

the way of living in the society,

through various methods developed,

including praise, rewards and punishment. 

And so, it molded certain behaviors, 

we learned skills for use in future,

but later, with new-found liberty,

we could have fallen to depravity. 

Thus came Self-discipline, 

an ability to control own emotions,

through practice and proper planning,

we could walk towards our destination. 

The advantage of discipline is many,

that could lead us to success in endeavors, 

by following self-control, we resist temptations,

helping us to be motivated and focused. 

For, we valued our long term goals,

than to invest in early gratification,

with strong will, facing many challenges, 

we could achieve our aspirations. 

But, not all are well adapted, 

to the routines, that are needed,

to incorporate discipline in life,

and avoiding inherent impulses. 

A path to success, is through hard work,

with clear intent, setting realistic goals,

by breaking it down into many steps,

putting consistent efforts, rewards on completion. 

When it becomes our habit,

we would finally be... Disciplined. 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

World's Health Day

Let us take some moment,

and celebrate this wonderful occasion,

highlighting the values and importance, 

of having a healthy mind and body.

" My health, my right "

we have to understand this theme,

chosen by World Health Organization,

to champion for the rights of everyone.

For, we deserve a healthy life,

having access to quality services,

drinking safe water, inhaling clean air,

proper nourishment, provides better care.

To be informed of medical advancements, 

being educated enough, to seek the same,

even our working or living conditions,

should be supportive, without any discrimination. 

So, let's come together, 

spread awareness, in this special occasion,

as everyone takes a step forward...

To achieve the goals, of universal Healthcare.

Happy World's Health Day to everyone.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

I understand

I understand, 

you had your reasons,

trying things, exploring options, 

finally making your decisions. 

For, you have the initiative,

a perceived status of superiority, 

more experiences, better communicative,

making choices out of whims and fancy. 

I understand, 

it's not a big deal,

for you, it's something routine,

very few delve into finding meanings. 

So, I have learned to be wary of lies,

let you reevaluate at your sweet time,

get more open to what you're trying, 

to find the partner of your kind. 

I understand, 

so don't hide or be shy,

tell me anything, that you desire,

if it's acceptable, I would comply. 

We could always break this dealing,

no one gets hurt, have hard feelings,

life is long, expectations are natural, 

why can't we be, more honest and sincere?

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Quiet quitting

A term coined,

to signify a social problem,

a consequence of present lifestyle,

dousing the flame of excitement. 

To be disillusioned, 

from this corrupt system,

where hard work are not rewarded,

rather influenced by luck and position.

Compounded by the rising greed,

a lack of interests in people's need,

competitions that are taking toll,

while selected few, are enjoying leisure. 

For, everything is publicized, 

facade of success and happiness,

leading to rising expectations,

to live a certain lifestyle.

Creating barrier between hearts,

with their opinions and valuations,

rather than thought and communication, 

to build long term relations. 

So, we compare with others,

disappointments of being powerless,

becoming unhappy and sadden,

with our present conditions.

We stop putting efforts,

and live for bare minimum, 

to be in background, not taking leads,

even at home, we become lazy. 

But why do things come to this?

is it for having unattainable needs,

and it's fulfillment is the criteria,

for having better involvement...

Even in research, we have hierarchy of need,

from physiological needs to safety needs,

with love, belonging and self esteem being,

the pathway that leads to pinnacle of living. 

But things are not in our control,

world too is spiraling towards hostility,

if every attempts end up into nadir,

it would make anyone apprehensive. 

Yet, hope should never be forsaken, 

rather than quiting, get better at noticing, 

of the imbalance present in our life,

make a chart or exercises to understand. 

Only then, we could choose right direction,

by acting upon things we are lacking,

rather than making commitments for results,

we could invest through consistent efforts.

Anything that provides incremental joy,

like a purpose, we could incorporate,

by figuring out, our non negotiables,

then making concessions, for a better future. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Find your passion

"Find your passion"

It's a beautiful saying,

that inspire, and excites,

giving us purpose, to be alive...

Wishing to get bigger, than routine kind. 

But not many would seek,

get distracted in frivolous spirits,

needing more than just advices,

to be motivated, in right direction. 


Not something to be discovered, 

that already exists somewhere,

but is developed with an intent,

and followed with our interests. 

It begins, with sparks of curiosity, 

then requires repeated engagements,

with knowledge, positive experiences, 

finally becoming a part of our life. 

The very idea of its prominence, 

led many people to hold back,

rather than promoting the subject,

investing personal time and cultivate. 

In various studies, we have learned,

that people can be divided into groups,

having a fixed, or growth mindset,

when exposed to newer experiences. 

Even if the stimulus does work,

for, people were influenced by thoughts,

the fixed mindset, would never follows up,

while growth mindset, start their research. 

Still, things could be changed, 

by striving to become flexible,

with activities and interventions,

we can instill, seeds of passion. 

By giving ourselves novel tasks,

that would lead us, to desirable path,

involving personal or professional aspects, 

creating find our passion.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

On the canvas of imagination

 On the canvas of imagination,

I paint my unfulfilled desires,

with a brush dipped in dreams,

creating a vibrant, colorful painting. 

In the realm of my mind, 

the home to infinite possibilities, 

like a fertile ground to grow,

and let my spirit flow...freely. 

Here I can live occasionally, 

reliving moments, connecting emotionally,

I would mend the broken heart,

filling pieces with goodness and hope. 

In this world of disappointments, 

the constraints of physical domain,

imagination comes as my savior,

providing me help and guidance. 

Away from the prying eyes,

judging and correcting mistakes,

pushing shame, guilt of actions,

that influences many interactions. 

As an innocent child, or a wise person,

making many scenarios in my head,

building life, that would be interesting, 

with every means at my disposal. 

To bring some unnatural things,

that excites, are awe-inspiring,

or indulge in guilty pleasures,

that would be unspeakable otherwise. 

Imagination, our treasured friend,

walking together, hand in hand,

a chance to escape from reality,

plan for some wonderful experiences. 

Anything and everything, in my reach,

within the expanse of its borders,

from gray shades to kaleidoscopic emotions,

I would paint them this canvas of imagination.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Dreaming of you

Let me fall for you, my dear,

your beauty is like seasons' flair,

let me savor these moments,

that are radiated with your grace. 

The beauty gleams, in winter's embrace,

falling from the sky, those soft snowflakes, 

your lips like roses, sweet and tender,

eyes like jewels, captivating my soul. 

Our love unfolds, with spring's arrival, 

as we become bold, in our calls,

your gentle touch, make heart flutter,

the fragrance, heightens my senses. 

Our love ignites, in summer blooms,

when desires rose the temperature, 

and we give into the temptations,

let our passion take the control. 

Our bond strengthens, in autumn hues,

I make promises of eternal love,

for, my affection is forever true,

and I will always cherish you. 

Your memories still brighten my days,

as I wait for us to unite someday,

when I see that smile, like a sunshine,

capturing gaze, warming my heart. 

Till then, I would dream and sigh,

watching falling raindrops from the sky,

in passing drizzle, the occasional thunder,

bringing back the reality, to my attention. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Blank, a clear state,

not a single thought,

delivered to my brain.

It does put me in a bind,

when tried with focused mind,

couldn't even put a dent. 

Is the lack of stimulus,

that led to ceased work,

as a mark of a protest.

For, it had been busy, 

now it's a bit too fatigued, 

being pushed to the limits. 

Multiple exposures of information,

filled the vessel to the brink,

leaving no space for experiments. 

Now, it's taking time to upload,

while I wait with my eyes closed,

to find opportunities to manifest. 

Everything needs a proper approach,

conductive environment and exposures,

to bring out the best of us.

Yet, I make those mistakes,

too occupied in my amusements,

to provide proper attention to the craft. 

Blank, there's nothing, 

a lot can be added with researching, 

to find a way to convey feelings. 

It takes sincere commitment,

without excuses or lack of interest,

to bring out the flow from within.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Holi celebration in my childhood

"A festival of colors,

celebrating arrival of spring,

also symbolizes love & friendship,

a playful, yet divine love story." 

followed by many generations,

an opportunity, to be together,

yet, things changes with time,

from social or personal compulsions. 

And I went down in memory lanes,

reminiscenting my childhood days,

waiting impatiently for this moment,

playing our Holi, in full fervor. 

With no distractions and obligations, 

communities too accepting this culture,

we had no distinction or comparision,

be it our friends, families or strangers. 

We prepared with dry colors,

filled water balloons, made things better,

running around, smearing on faces,

or threw balloons over the passersby. 

Even in our mock fightings,

being competitive in our smudging,

if things ever get more heated,

we would shout...

Don't feel bad, it's Holi !! 

Getting tired of all running,

we return for some snacking,

with poori, bhajiya, vada and dosa,

with mouth watering sweet dumplings*. 

(* Gujia and Gulab Jamun) 

It was those moments of gatherings,

where neighbor met, sharing greetings,

the atmosphere felt joyful and ecstatic, 

forever remaining etched, in heart & mind. 

A very happy Holi to everyone. :)

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Blinded by generalizations

We have come to a situation, 

that's repressive or raising tension,

blinding us from the realities, 

under the curtains of generalizations. 

By passing our quick judgments, 

putting labels on other's identities, 

we reduce those complex individuals,

into a face of simple designations. 

In the guise of justified actions,

adorning an air of superiority, 

we create prejudice and stereotypes, 

favor opinions into our assumptions. 

By limiting ourselves in our world,

we miss the chance for a connection, 

learn something by opening ourselves, 

to different outlook or broaden perception. 

The world is slowly getting poisoned, 

by the promotion of this toxic condition,

ignoring perspectives and experiences,

infusing hatred, clouding our vision. 

So let's break free of harmful generalizations, 

embrace the diversity, without reservations, 

for, when we see other's individuality,

we create a world more just and equitable...

Where everyone truly thrives. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Don't get disheartened

Don't get disheartened, my friend,

having a feeling of unfulfilled wants,

and a world that shines too bright,

pushing you slowly to the background. 

With every stumble, you continued,

even in the fall, you stood firm,

now is not the time to feel sad,

complain or regret the lost cause. 

Don't get disheartened, my friend,

by the achievements of close ones,

facing the hurdles of comparison,

to be seen less of a person. 

For, efforts were being rewarded, 

it's better to celebrate their success, 

to be part of the joyous occasions,

might give you some cues and lessons. 

Don't get disheartened, my friend,

for the delays that could happen,

not everyone get the ideal start,

it's the quality of journey, that brings fulfillment. 

Let there be hope in your thought,

let there be goodwill in your wishes,

don't feel guilty of having envy,

for their positions and accomplishments. 

So, don't get disheartened, 

keep head high, you are doing great, 

seek happiness in every interaction, 

nurture the virtue of perseverance. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

On the corners of the road

On the corners of the road,

around the structures men built,

where concrete reigns supreme,

there lies many tiny beings. 

With broken patches, sandy bases,

where dust starts settling up,

lies the wild plants, leaves of grass,

finding their dwelling through resilience. 

With slender stems, thinner roots,

they reach sky, expand into ground,

their strength defies all the odds,

displaying the beauty of the nature. 

The dandelion's golden crown, 

the clover's purple bloom, 

and daisy's delicate white face, 

on the pedestals and pavement edges. 

Dancing with every passing breeze, 

they would sing with a gentle sigh, 

enjoying sun warmth, wetness of rain,

wishing to not be crushed by passersby. 

Let us take a moment and marvel at,

so-called weeds, these humble inhabitant,

that thrive in these corners and patches. 

in their display of hope and resilience.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

An immortal scholar

With ancient wisdom in his eyes,

the melancholic scholar softly sighs,

observing the terrain from the high,

contemplating, if it was better to die. 

Through centuries, he's roamed the earth, unraveling the mysteries of the world,

from ancient tombs to starry skies,

the boundless curiosity made him wise. 

In distant lands, he had learned from sages,

unearthed much lore of forgotten ages. 

his mind became a treasure trove of knowledge, 

by understanding the meaning of inherited messages. 

With quill in hand, he pens his thoughts,

unveiling the truths he's dearly bought. 

his works, a legacy to impart, 

a gift to those with kindred heart. 

In every culture, every clime, 

he finds a spark, a glimpse of time. 

the wisdom grew, his soul expands, 

as he traverses distant lands. 

With gentle touch, he shares his light, 

inspiring minds both day and night. 

a bridge between the past and now, 

the immortal scholar's legacy will vow. 

* A concept poetry with the help of Google Gemini.

Hope you like it.

Friday, March 15, 2024


To live a good life,

we don't need multiple achievements, 

transformation can happen at any stage,

for, happiness is felt in many phases. 

It's that simple yet so rare,

like our lungs breathe surrounding air,

even if it's just meeting our friends,

or visiting some famous exotic places. 

So, what is it that changes,

the outlook towards our experiences, 

to be at ease, a blissful feeling,

also having many health benefits. 

It's the secret of our well-being, 

that's learned or followed through instinct, 

a skill everyone should cultivate, 

"to be amazed at things outside yourself". 

A science of everyday wonder,

to be awed by the richness of the universe, 

fascinating by the intricacies of creations, 

viewed from the prism of our existence. 

It emphasizes our inconsequential self,

letting go of the inherent ego and pride,

as we become more accepting, and perceptive, 

paying attention to our wonderful reality. 

And we could see its influences,

from the innocent play of child,

the vast distribution of artworks,

also in spirituality and religious devotions. 

Even appreciating the flower's beauty,

can provide us with newer epiphanies, 

changing the way we see the world,

into something powerful and inspiring. 

So, let's cultivate this feeling,

in every aspect of our dealings, 

getting surprised and overwhelmed, 

in the presence of this vast mystery...

Of the very essence of existence.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


Started as a sugar pill,

the vessel of hope and belief,

a practices since old times,

when medicine was family tradition. 

Things changed, as science advanced,

proof needed for different therapies,

while others, being called a dummy,

a false application, by the quacks. 

But, it came into limelight,

using it in newer studies,

treatment successes, with mystery drugs,

a concoction of unnamed substances. 

Placebo, a mystery indeed,

a paradox that confused many,

the believers, swore by its effects,

supported by many loyal followers. 

Yet, it never provided any data,

failures or complications in practice,

researchers skeptical of dubious claims,

without delving deeper into the subject. 

But placebo did find its place,

as it signified power of suggestions,

when the doctor were empathetic, 

listening to concerns, in conductive environment. 

In the face of pain and despair,

they provided a glimmer of respite,

tapping into our innate resilience, 

harnessing the power of the mind. 

For, within the depth of our mind,

lies a healing power divine,

with assurances and advices,

would cause miracles to happen. 

Medical advances have its place,

but healing can be holistic kind,

so, even scientist are now comparing, 

newer treatments, with effects of placebo.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Assortative mating

Some say, opposites attract,

it's the enigma of unknown,

that act as a magnet,

to pull closer, polar opposites.

Be the outgoing or reserved person,

one loving chaos of life, others prefer order,

each one have the quality that other lacks,

that fill the void, complementing each other. 

But, is the reality works that way,

everyone have their personal choice,

and the law of average tells many tales,

bursting some myths of certain proverbs. 

Long term relationships or marriages,

are not sustained by instantaneous attractions, 

it's more to do with mutual connections,

be the physical, behavioral or personality traits.

A phenomenon that's more prevalent,

where similar traits are paired up,

is it common sense or evolutionarily advantages,

that promote " like pairs with like". 

Things that make people desirable,

are an effect of social stratification,

similar groups of people get concentrated, 

within community, location and profession.

And most seek a high value partner,

indirectly promoting selective interactions, 

ignoring the notions might create friction,

that brings disharmony among loved ones. 

Assortative mating, 

being statistically proven,

is it a reality to be accepted,

or blamed for social problems?

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Rhythm of the ocean

As I watch the waves crashing the shore,

farther the horizon slowly unfolds,

expanding clouds under orangish hues,

with the sea breeze gently passing through,

like a soft touch, a soothing balm,

that soothes my soul, bringing the calm. 

Within those moments of tranquility,

brought by the waves like a lullaby,

finding the solace, I get my release,

in that sanctuary, I get my peace,

when mind sways in flow and rhythm,

inspiring my heart, stirring emotions. 

And I stare at the vast expanse, 

water surface with its susurration, 

using that time to contemplate, 

thoughts, feelings, my existence, 

diving deeper, as I get engaged,

those endless depths, in my silence. 

The ocean's rhythm connects,

our mind to the consciousness, 

away from the hustle and bustle,

from the worries that might affect,

I feel the peace and contentment, 

listening to the waves' gentle relent.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Rebirth of fallen land

There's nothing left...

We would have never guessed, 

for, the land had been blessed,

with prosperity and abundance.

Even in our disbelief,

there are few who could grieve,

the sight we have to see,

the consequences of our collective sin. 

The earth is parched, broken in pieces, 

ground is shaking, collapsing in itself,

no walls or pillars could hold on,

house is disintegrating, in dilapidated condition.

Everything that was valuable is gone,

precious memories that we treasured,

it's all devoured with passing days,

we have nothing now, lost forever. 

Thus begun this journey of atonement, 

each trial taught us new lessons,

those fire of adversity refined us,

with spirit tempered, our soul adorned.

And slowly our efforts bears fruits,

we finally put a pause to the cascade,

little by little the place became alive,

with all the energy, remodeling activities. 

So, we have recovered our soul,

from the depth of the darkness,

as sunlight shined for the first time,

with deeper wisdom, greater grace.

Now we would take proper care,

giving back to the nature it's share,

being reborn, transformed from our ignorance,

all that left, were the memories of yesteryear. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024


Welcoming are the weather,

atmosphere too is calling,

let me groove in the rhythm,

it's my time of some indulgence.

Hear the beats of life,

shake the body to music,

let me imbibe the vibrations, 

with some cigar and wine. 

Why think of future,

my time is right now,

and I will expose myself,

to the best of luxuries.

The sparkles of glamour,

I will ride on the trend,

with the coolest of style,

matching gorgeous bike or car. 

With the ravishing beauties,

accompanying me for the evenings, 

I will give them pleasure,

having the wildest of the nights.

Grand hotels, fancy restaurants, 

trying lucks in the casinos,

traveling through famous places,

clearing bucket list challenges. 

Why should I be concerned,

of the scarcity and destitution, 

there are systems in place,

for their support and welfare.

And I have been very busy,

planning my next adventure,

to leave my mark in the world,

with the grandest of signature. 


Indulgence, another side of coin,

that thrive in the pursuit of gratification, 

it's not love, but the inherent impulses,

driven by their primal desires.

They have the means and the will,

to force their way to their dreams,

even some find a spiritual connection, 

through descent into material possessions. 

Everything in this world,

from inanimate to life forms,

all the skills, knowledge and actions,

are for their service alone.

Should they be blamed,

for utilizing their wealth,

would we question morality,

for the individual gains ??

Sunday, March 3, 2024

My quest for freedom

I want to be free,

of these invisible shackles,

that binds my spirits and soul,

slowly diluting the inner essence. 

It's not my nature to be subdued, 

from the setbacks and struggles,

had plenty of chances to surrender,

through impulses and justifications. 

Yet, I am standing firm,

being blamed for being stubborn, 

with many conversations being used,

to ridicule my failures in ventures. 

Sometimes, I too get disheartened, 

being disillusioned of this world, 

falling into the negative spirals,

of anger, jealousy, and frustrations. 

But, life teaches a lot,

and I learn to have patience,

to fight for my cause,

for the things most valued. 

I might be called self-centered, 

being eccentric or disrespectful,

when I don't conform to their beliefs,

listening to the heart over everything. 

So, I would remain free,

by working towards my goals,

so that I could create a balance,

between my desires, and other's expectations. 

Friday, March 1, 2024

Man's best friend

'Canis lupus familiaris',

a subspecies of gray wolf,

but for us, this adorable creation,

is a companion, protector, and friend. 

Tens of thousands years ago,

some wild wolf decided to follow,

accompany our ancestors on their travel,

attracted by the food scraps and leftovers. 

And soon we realized their value,

domesticated them for our use,

being hunting partners, guarding livestock,

like an extra pair of ears, nose and eyes. 

As time passed, they became family,

cared for like their own child,

civilization progressed, bond deepens,

they too changed, hunters to house pet. 

With selective breeding, enhancing attributes,

making them large, small, menacing or cute,

everything for our desires and pleasures,

we played their creator and benefactors. 

Yet, they showered us with unconditional love,

never doubted and followed our cause,

just our presence made them jump with joy,

as they beg us for a simple walk or play. 

From wild wolves, we tamed a loyal friend,

creating bonds timeless, that would never end,

a love and devotion so pure, rare to find,

for, it's man best friend, a canine kind...

Our beloved dog.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Cityscape unfolds its charm

From the empty side alleys,

to congested, crowded highways,

greeneries of parks and outskirts, 

centre filled with concrete structures,

there's a lot that is visible, 

in this vibrant urban sphere. 

Aspiring towers that pierce the sky,

testament of our ambitions and pride,

while the lively streets below,

are filled with dreams and desires,

each one have their stories to tell,

every soul sings for us to listen. 

There's love in their every efforts,

in different section of the society,

even the plants and animals alike,

striving for their everyday survival,

while this epitome of human progress, 

welcomes them all with it's excesses. 

Bustling markets filled with cacophony, 

from shopkeepers, hawkers and eateries,

people gather in groups for their necessities,

creating together a thriving community,

within different wards and establishments, 

be it newer arrivals to the older settlements. 

Students of different school and colleges,

walking in respective uniforms with smiling faces,

and neat and smart dressed employees, 

going through their corporate dealings, 

or the laborers working on the ground, 

with tired sweaty skin under the sun. 

The majority rush for daily chores, 

the affluent ones too have their pleasures, 

with their every aspirations that ignites,

the urgency and competitions to feel alive,

as city provides, every concerns addressed, 

for the immediate needs for their lifestyle. 

The cityscape unfolds its charm, 

enticing the hearts of many,

who dare to dream and act,

taking the blind leap of faith,

while it stands being the beacon of hope...

accepting them in the fold, and chaos follows.

Monday, February 26, 2024

How to spend the day

How to spend the day,

taking leave from workspace, 

it's indeed a dilemma sometimes,

having this break from rat race. 

Planning needs to be done,

to make the time fruitful,

for, it would be a waste otherwise,

to be lying in bed or dilly-dallying. 

There was a time in life about,

us being used to lazying around,

a whole day would be gone,

while we were left with inaction. 

But now, there's a guilt,

of taking unnecessary leaves,

more so, if we have no excuses,

to escape this professional routine. 

So, how would I spend,

have an outing to malls or eatery,

travel to any nearby place,

and have a change of pace. 

Should I rest and recuperate, 

listen to music or watch some favorites,

read, write, invest in creative endeavors, 

or just do nothing, and be me. 

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Everyone have different experiences

Ever wondered...

If you have been cloned,

similar thoughts, same emotions,

the memories, all of your feelings,

everything identical within two beings. 

Can you say with confidence,

be certain of your choices,

when making the decisions,

for yourself and loved ones,

that only you have the rights? 

Indeed, these things are farfetched,

but technologies can make it happen,

even if it's not with physical body,

but your mind having scanned copies,

would someday demand its entitlement. 

Straight from a Sci Fi story,

to become your new reality, 

then would you ever ponder,

how would you defuse situations, 

that brings moral and ethical dilemmas. 

And so, let's make fictional scenarios, 

with individual, social and legal issues,

that helps us to prepare the reactions,

understand that it needs communication,

to achieve some clarity in our vision. 

When we create such conditions, 

while preventing potential confrontations, 

as they question, interact and correlate,

these two entities would realize at that point,

having similar mind can have different experiences. 

Then again, it's all hypothetical, a product of my imagination. :) 

** Note: This is a thought experimentation where I am wondering what would happen when a clone or digital avatar with almost same memory, thought process come to us or our family. Then the dilemmas we face, about who is the real one and fake one.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

The lost feelings

Don't lament the lost feelings,

that was once very appealing, 

wounds sore with the concealing, 

let it go, it's part of your healing, 

Those were the beautiful days,

when wishes and dreams were made,

but that time is gone, long forgotten,

with broken promises, voice silenced. 

For, you have chosen the path,

things that are more important,

all choices had its sacrifice,

that you have taken with a smile. 

Waves of loneliness keeps splashing,

bringing out that immense longing,

don't fret, accept the incoming waves,

don't be afraid of the hurt you perceive. 

Time would heal everything,

all the emotions and those cravings,

letting you open to your surroundings, 

that value your presence in their life. 

So, don't lament the lost feelings,

regret or feel guilty of those dealings,

things will happen if they were meant to,

you can always have a new beginning. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Fraudulent calls

The phone rings, a stranger calls,

asking for directions, or urgent work,

services provided, or needing support,

connecting to our caring heart. 

With sweet words, and crafted guise,

they weave a web of fabricated lies,

slowly pulling you into their traps,

of breaching your data, with that trust. 

And you fall, sometimes too eager,

self interests too, were the reason,

opening the door, of your confidentiality, 

unaware of their malicious intentions. 

Only to realize, when it's too late,

losing fortunes, for momentary gain,

lamenting the loss, burdened with stress,

you fall into depression, or sadness. 

How can we mend, the broken thread, 

falling victims, to these treacherous events?

These hurtful memories, like burning scars,

would stop us from venturing ahead. 

But hold, dear friend, do not despair,

don't lose hope, for minor setbacks,

we might never know hidden motives,

still can learn, from our past mistakes. 

Let wisdom bloom, where fear's reign,

in cautious steps, rebuild the ground,

don't falter to few voices that cheat,

there's thousand more, for a pleasant treat. 

So trust again, but do it with care,

don't be gullible or get complacent, 

in a world of wolves, where trust at stake...

for, fortune only favors the bravest. 

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Let me sit near a waterfall

Let me sit near a waterfall,

As falling streams form a song,

That soothes mind and my heart,

and mist of droplets surrounds... 

Cool breeze flowing intermittently,

the branches of the trees swaying,

leaf falling slowly, floating awhile,

Sometimes touching, dropping on ground. 

Stems of scrubs dances softly,

the grass bed, watching lovingly,

even this dull bench, comes alive,

with activities of insects and flies. 

The ant walk in a straight line,

searching for edibles for colony,

a babbler visits, inspects cautiously,

stealing a twig nearby, flying hurriedly. 

Distant whistles and snort of swans,

grab my attention, and I respond,

gazing these beauties, swiming in pond,

while following catfish, inside the water. 

In the chaos of life, I find silence,

occasionally broken by new visitors,

as they take pictures, here and there,

chatting cheerfully, as they share. 

still I was immersed, and time passed,

coming back to reality, with friend's call,

give me more time, I rued in whisper,

looking back to the place, I treasured... 

Away from the crowd,

Just besides the waterfall.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Déjà vu...

A haunting sensation, an eerie feeling,

something that's strange, and even unsettling,

a recollection of the past, or glimpse of the future,

that creates an illusion of our memories. 

The heart beats faster, with surge of emotions, 

as if encountering things familiar, something close,

things that never been seen or heard in life,

felt so intimate, much connected to our heart. 

Then it disappears as it had come,

a mental twitch, forming glitches in reality,

we pause to wonder, searching explanations,

baffling ourselves, questioning others in society. 

Some experience a pleasant sensation,

others being frightened, taking caution, 

sometimes a symptom accompanying seizures,

that could be a sign of psychiatric disorder. 

Still, it's a common knowledge,

most have harmless, enjoyable presence,

as long as we embrace those moments,

not get worried, lingering forever. 

Déjà vu... a phenomenon unknown,

a reminder of our deeper connections, 

the deep consciousness surrounding us, 

through time and space, our universe. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024


I saw you smiling in the ground,

hanging with friends, taking pictures,

unaware of the charm you bring,

attracting the crowd of admirers. 

I, too, am an admirer,

entranced by your beauty,

being stung by sweet poison,

piercing this heart of mine. 

You are a cruel enchantress, 

trampling through many invitations,

while arousing many desires,

though your flirtatious interactions. 

All the attentions making you shy,

even then you keep stealing my eyes,

those radiant cheeks, graceful smile,

being obscured by your silky hair. 

So let me watch you from afar,

let the flower spread its fragrance, 

even a whiff, from the scents marked,

for a follower, that would be a reward. 

And you keep spreading magic,

unaware of the presence of admirers, 

be the magnet that pulls us closer,

striking the chords of our emotions.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Be a little crazy

Be a little crazy,

that way life would be fun,

it gets boring for everyone,

if everyone is being normal. 

Have fresh ideas, think out of the box,

develop your unique perspective, 

showing people there's a path,

beyond the one they see. 

Have some eccentric hobbies,

bringing something new to the table,

let others ponder the notion,

of its viability as an option. 

Letting us, and others,

develop some flexible opinions,

as we are exposed to world realities,

helping us grow as a person. 

Be a little crazy,

keep alive childhood curiosities, 

society would have many restrictions, 

there are constraints of responsibilities. 

Give wings to your creativity and imagination,

this universe is too big to have a small vision,

that would bring the smile and laughter,

as you embark in this joyful adventure...called life.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Suffering and Detachment part 2

What do I see?

What do I feel?

Is it positive or negative emotion,

that interferes with my living?

How do I want my life to be?

Will this help me grow, be content,

is it a situation that I can change,

or in the mercy of other being? 

Detachment is not disinterest,

neither the isolation nor avoidance,

but being more aware, and conscious,

of our reactions to different situations. 

To understand the reasons,

as we observe our actions,

how it affects us and loved ones,

that matter most in this life. 

Spoken in the songs of divine, 

taught, practiced by the wise,

let us follow their examples,

bringing these thoughts within us.

Being detached from fear of failures,

the hurt of letdowns and betrayals,

even in pleasures and prosperity,

let's rein our senses with rationale. 

May be then, we could comprehend,

see the beauty, and the magnificence,

without periodic celebrations or laments,

for, they are just passing moments.

Friday, February 9, 2024

Suffering and Detachment part 1

We are prone to make mistakes,

if we keep seeing difficult days,

with no outlets or escapes,

bounded by invisible restrains. 

They play with our emotions,

and we make bad decisions,

unless we find the means,

let go of our harmful impulses. 

Love sometimes comes with conditions,

our society too has its expectations,

and even professional obligations,

stop us to express our intentions. 

Things might get suffocating,

by making us lose our harmony,

as it questions our contributions,

do we even have any importance? 

Even the memories of good times,

the success of our endeavors,

would be forgotten in those times,

for, we were too hurt to realize. 

So, is there a way out of this suffering,

to find the path of true happiness, 

that is followed by the winners,

being taught in words of wise ones? 

There are indeed much wisdom,

each having their divine essence, 

easy to understand, difficult to follow,

for, it seeks detachment from worldly feelings.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Lost in the paradise

Wind caressing the hair,

sun shining on my face,

like a puff of fresh air,

I have arrived to a wonderful place. 

The smell of the sea,

the sound of the waves,

the eye pleasing greenery,

have been my favorites. 

The surrounding sights and noises,

from people all over the places,

do bring concerns and anxiety, 

but it's getting replaced by excitement. 

Let me listen to the loved music,

while exploring this wondrous land,

filling me with sense of elation,

as I keep myself in blissful state. 

All my worries and problems,

that gave me troubles and pain,

let me watch as it vanishes,

I feel light, freed from the weights. 

And I would cherish these moments,

being grateful of the chance provided,

as I etch these memories in my heart,

while wishing to be lost in this paradise.

Monday, February 5, 2024

A clock witness

Tick tock, tick tock, I sound,

the pendulum swung back and forth,

I stand by the wall, in my wooden frame,

displaying the passage of the time. 

I witness the life, as they lived,

experiencing stages, birth to death,

various emotions are being played,

in the cacophony and their silence. 

The baby's cries, toddler's laugh,

evolving relationships of parents,

from love, assurances to quarrels,

creating stronger bonds of families. 

People came and went away,

places were crowded or abandoned, 

I saw the rise and fall of classes,

with their celebrations and mourning. 

And I was the silent observer,

in both the darkness and light,

just the clock, an old machine,

working gears and cogs symphony. 

As a creation of human ingenuity, 

with steady beats, I kept ticking,

through their hopes and despair,

passing through the chaos it brings. 

So, listen to my ticking, dear friend, 

feel the rhythm of the existence, 

a reminder that your time is fleeting,

cherish every moment, as they come.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Mobile games: boon or bane

They have been the friend,

in the time of our boredom, 

a way to break the monotonousity, 

without leaving our comfort zone. 

A source of fun and joy,

helping us relax and unwind,

providing the thrill and challenges,

while letting us sharpen our reflexes. 

But they are just a distraction,

being prone to be a time sink,

letting us neglect an important task,

while becoming more addictive. 

As we get more involved,

disconnected from our families, 

with health issues like eye strain,

slowly becoming the casualties. 

Many had fallen victim,

from its unrestricted influence,

loosing their dreams and relationships,

in the constant craving of dopamine. 

So, are they a boon or bane,

depends on its use in moderation, 

to remain a part of our life,

without letting it control us.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Minimalism or extravagant life

Minimalism or extravagant life,

live simply or displaying grandeur, 

what life I should choose,

that retains my values and pride? 

Lifestyles have their appeal, 

be it the appearances, 

the benefits they possess,

with the traditions and influences,

or the passions, aesthetics, 

that display our individuality. 

A minimalist approach,

keeping things simple,

consuming fewer resources, 

reducing our impact on surrounding, 

by making conscious efforts,

for overall health of self and environment. 

But it can be restrictive and boring,

for, we have a limited lifespan,

something more stimulating and enjoyable,

that caters to our unspoken desires,

and attracts people around us,

letting us experience the luxuries. 

So comes the extravagant lifestyle, 

that serves our impulsive needs,

to live a life without any regrets,

satisfying our pleasures and curiosities,

for, who doesn't want excitement, 

to make this world worth living. 

So, what choice would I make,

that reflects my inner voice,

creating balance and harmony,

between my mind and soul,

do I prefer indulgence and craving,

or aspire to have limited needs. 

The path that let me live my heart content.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Ant

A tiny creature of the land,

making nests in the ground, 

building elaborate tunnels and chambers,

to house food, eggs and young ones. 

Even small, they aren't weak,

for, strength lies in their colonies,

working together as a strong team,

to overcome any obstacles they were facing. 

Yet they are considered a pest,

bring problems to the house they infest,

as they harm the health and belongings, 

and we seek to rid ourselves of the nuisance. 

Using chemicals and home remedies,

we plan to create the boundaries, 

for them to avoid and not interfere, 

that way we could both coexist. 

They are admirable, worthy of respect,

we draw lessons from their presence, 

still, it's better to see them from afar,

for, we aren't ready for home invasions.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

The artifacts

Fragile, obscure buried deep,

discovered by the one who seek,

it's a relic of a bygone era,

where it was valued and loved. 

And here it is out on display,

with missing patterns and images,

handled carefully, avoiding damages,

to let us learn part of our heritage. 

So I watched it with curiosity,

wondered who had owned it,

dreams they had, how they lived,

what role it played in their life. 

A simple pottery or decoration,

used by a common man or a noble,

being void of any indications,

it was open to many speculations. 

Even then, it signified a period,

of nascent stage of civilization, 

where it was kept as a keepsake,

forgotten now with the passage of time. 

It's a testament of their wishes,

being placed within those objects,

to be accompanied by loved ones,

in their afterlife or future incarnations. 

But for us, it's a reminder,

creating a link to our ancestors, 

a symbol of hope in cherished memories,

for, even if we were gone...

Part of us will be connected to the future.

Friday, January 26, 2024

I have been bitter

I have been bitter,

started with mild irritation,

coming out as harsh reactions,

with raised voices or avoidance. 

I have been bitter,

might bring some annoyance, 

signs of hidden disappointments, 

bringing out as occasional frustrations. 

I have been bitter,

had impulses for an outburst,

with various curse and insults,

letting go of my inhibitions. 

I have been bitter,

and made some mistakes,

hurt loved ones with my words,

and felt the guilt of my actions. 

I have been bitter,

but have learned to let it go,

things are not always under control,

I need to forgive and accept the world. 

For, there are setbacks and obstacles, 

one just can't live it by being bitter.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Time is an illusion

What if...

Time does not exist,

we are simply moving through space,

while everything we perceive, 

is an illusion, our mind has created. 

Day and night are mere phenomenon, 

of existence and properties of planet,

from its interactions within solar system,

and we have just divided its presence,

for our understanding and convenience. 

Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, 

speaks that time is relative,

can distort by effect of gravity, 

by getting slower or speeds up,

depending on our location in space. 

Even the quantum mechanics,

shows that time is not absolute,

being relative to the observer,

varying between different reference frame,

only could take discrete values. 

So, if time is an illusion,

there's no time travel possible, 

for, we are a mere existence,

that has its small presence, 

in the surrounding space,

only living for that period. 

And this fleeting moment, is all we have.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Divine homecoming

A voluntary exile,

in respect to the family,

no ill wills, only love resides,

a journey full of sacrifice.

Vanvas, through 14 years,

ending with your victory,

be it royals or the commoners,

everyone celebrated your homecoming. 

From the ancient era,

your story was universal,

in deep within our heart, 

your name was engraved.

Vanvas, came even in this era,

finally ended with your victory,

be it the elites or the poor,

all are singing your glory. 

In this pious place,

where you were born,

teaching us life lessons,

through your righteous conduct. 

Let us come together,

bow towards your direction,

as lord Rama would bless us,

when we celebrate the consecration. 

So, dear king of Ayodhya,

accept our humble offerings,

as your devotees come together,

to witness your homecoming. 

Jai Shri Ram... 🙏 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Let's dream together

Let's dream together, my dear,

about the future far or near,

where we would create a love nest,

and spend our time together. 

Our days being blissful,

as we plan activities to do,

celebrating every day with joy,

keeping our sadness at bay. 

Let's travel the world together,

explore what the world has to offer,

have our little escapades, 

creating stories with our exploits. 

Diving underwater to see corals,

hiking mountains to view sunrises,

relaxing and enjoying in cruises,

having adventures in train rides. 

Let's build a house together,

decorating it with our flavors,

each space signifying our devotions, 

filled with memories and emotions. 

Holding hands, we would remember, 

while sitting on balcony and verandah, 

with our love so deep and tender,

as we grow old a family.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Blue planet

Blue is the sky,

blue is the sea, 

behold this beautiful existence, 

of our beloved blue planet. 

Blessed are we to experience, 

visualize color among the rarest,

even universe providing a special seat,

to the position of our mother earth. 

Covering the majority of earth surface,

the basis of life, precious water,

being stored and circulated in many forms,

becoming the basis of the weather. 

To be the cradle of our evolution, 

nurture and support the life forms,

be the sweet streams or saline water,

we are provided with many options. 

Blue, it's the symbol of our planet,

it's assimilated in our essence,

even when a lot is there to explore,

in the vast extent of it presence... 

Over those altitudes of the atmosphere, 

within the very depth of the oceans,

lies many mysteries, many unknowns,

that displays the magnificence...of the blue planet. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Helping the underprivileged

We don't give much thought,

but every person has its worth,

if not shown the due appreciation, 

words not heeded or promises broken,

would bring distrusts and disappointments. 

We only put ourselves first,

ignoring views of many others,

even when moving for their cause,

for the problems that we have brought,

for, they are the one...bearing the cost. 

We are the one who's lost,

while showing the path to the ignorant,

blinded by the pride of being learned, 

somewhere down inside we have scorned,

the life choices of their kinds. 

We should have given some thought,

so that we get off our high horse,

for, there's wisdom at every corner, 

with a pace that's suit their interests,

and we are just an observer... 

After all, even the underprivileged,

have something new to offer.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

The third wave

What does it takes,

to become an evil person,

is it the greed or pleasure,

or the desire to be special... 

So, a experiment was done,

by one school history teacher,

to let us understand the psyche,

he named it "the third wave". 

To explain how the residents,

could accept those requests,

a movement for their pride,

causing mayhem and genocides. 

It was a fictional social experiment,

an appeal of fascism to masses,

by conducting series of exercises,

emphasizing expected qualities in them. 

Aimed at eliminating democracy, 

for, it emphasizes individuality, 

it's a drawback for the society,

hampering growth and promoting weakness. 

So, started the first day,

motto of " Strength through discipline ",

by proper seating and greetings, 

drilling the students with simple rules. 

The response was unprecedented, 

by seeing their strict adherance,

he added " Strength through community",

and renamed it as "The third wave". 

It involves cupped hand salutes,

both inside and outside classroom,

banner were created, given assignments,

banning non members, recruiting newer ones. 

With life of its own, movement grew,

so he added " Strength through action",

member cards were issued, few single out,

to report the teacher who failed the rules. 

It really became an eye opener,

enmity spread within the members,

reports were made about wrongdoings,

concerns were raised about teacher's safety. 

With things slipping out of control,

as students keep getting more involved,

he decided to the terminate the movement,

by misleading students about electing president. 

Announcing a noon rally for next day,

banishing dissenting students in library,

he ordered every one to attend,

to display loyality to the movement. 

The stage was set, actors were placed,

students were asked to demonstrate, 

by chanting the three rules he wrote,

he turned on a TV, placed middle of room. 

An empty channel, to make them aware,

it was only an experiment, they took part,

apologized to them for taking things far,

and show them how willing they were. 

So, finally summaries were made,

by the researchers about the experiments, 

asking questions, making interpretations, 

to finally conclude in these frame.

" For that sense of superiority,

for that desire to be special,

anyone could be brainwashed,

to do these heinous acts... 

Does it mean we are all evil? means we are too normal. "

Friday, January 12, 2024

To eat or not to eat

To eat or not to eat,

it's sometimes a dilemma,

never have our ancestors worried,

about serving food in their plates. 

With mixing of cultures,

learned varieties of dishes,

born, nurtured in different cultures,

influenced by climates and traditions. 

With choices many, one may wonder...

Why not indulge in worldly pleasures,

explore cuisines, have exciting ventures,

appease our curiosities for adventures. 

But things are not as easy,

there are concerns making us queasy,

risks of its quality and quantities, 

that restrict us from trying delicacies. 

Then there are cultural bindings,

ethical choices from our conscience, 

making us aware, mindful of actions,

choosing for nourishment and sustenance. 

To eat or not to eat,

we don't want it to be a blunder,

still I know for a fact,

I feel more at peace...with a little hunger. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Nothing is predetermined

Who doesn't want success in life?

Become rich, have better relationships,

but not all receive the harvest of blessings,

face failures, lose their will to proceed,

some try to hold on to their hopes,

with encouragements and motivation. 

But there are many, seeking shortcuts,

are lazy to follow their predecessors, 

for, they don't have the patience, 

lost the trust in their workspace,

even their personal quests being fruitless, 

with facing lots of disappointments. 

Wanting to increase their luck,

receive signs from divine symbols,

they visit to many fortune-tellers,

to see their fate written in the stars, 

some might be curious about the future,

others need directions for their endeavors. 

But the horoscopes and astrologers, 

tarot cards or those crystal balls,

wouldn't give them their desired goals,

cryptic messages have different interpretation, 

for, their life is their own making,

only they can carve paths to the destiny. 

Nothing is predetermined,

so, take control of your life,

the future is of your making,

depends on your choices and abilities, 

keep working hard, fight for your belief,

by grabbing every opportunity. 

Things do take time,

but it's not the predictions,

that help you live your life...

Nothing is predetermined. 

Monday, January 8, 2024

Travel lover

Tell me... 

To be a wanderlust,

passion to explore the world,

experiencing cuisines and cultures,

trying new things to discover,

for the thrill and adventures, 

rejuvenating in exotic quarters, 

for those moments of leisure, 

some tryst with your pleasures,

understand hidden thirst and hunger,

paint yourself with different colors,

be it spring, autumn or summers,

it was exciting or a bummer,

a part of memory in the clusters,

still a part of your expenditures,

a lifestyle of a travel blogger,

helping you earn your number,

being weary to the point of exhaustion,

from making itineraries and legal options,

to be away, far from your relations,

for the sheer joy of having exposures,

would that be an accomplishment...

To proclaim yourself as a travel lover?

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Are we the ignorant ones

Are we the ignorant ones,

seeking you in symbol and images,

For, your essence is omnipresent, 

be it in our body, mind or soul. 

Then what do we revere,

path need to be followed, 

learning lessons, performing duties,

surrender ourselves without question. 

Should I worry of consequences, 

fear the judgements or dominance, 

for, every direction speaks of your words,

making other options inappropriate or redundant. 

Even then, in our myopic view,

that can only cater to significant few, 

is blinded to acknowledge or give dues,

to this vast universe, needing to follow through. 

So, are we the ignorant ones,

not worthy of your enlightenment, 

as we keep wandering in the falsehood,

never to find truth, within our awareness?

Thursday, January 4, 2024



through life,

swayed by its drives,

as it pulls,

and then pushes, 

through various situations. 


I take control,

but a slippery slope,

missing my chances,

directions too changes,

leaving me with no choices. 


have my resistance, 

arguments with loved ones,

raised voices and silences,

means of conveying messages,

acting as a deterrence. 


with passing age,

weakening effort in causes,

letting the wave decide,

closing both the eyes,

to ignore cautions of decisions. 


neither the heart nor mind,

would get the spark so bright,

if the shadows grow,

engulfing many within its fold, 

will that be a right outcome? 

Let me keep drifting...

Till I find my stoppage. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Music of the world

 With different sounds and style,

keep changing every thousand miles,

bringing pleasures to our ears,

invoking emotions, lessening fears.

Some of them are upbeat and joyful,

others being reflective and painful,

many were created for us to dance,

some great ones, discovered by chance.

With different genre bringing variety,

having choices to be selected on priority, 

they are indeed a powerful thing,

striking the chords, letting us feel.

Music is a universal language, 

connecting hearts all around us,

we all have our favorite songs,

listening when happy, sad or feeling lost. 

Even the struggles become bearable,

as we play the song on wearables, 

that instantly elevates our mood,

letting us enjoy those moments beautiful. 

For, heart and soul are being poured,

to create each words, and tunes,

so that we could also experience,

thoughts and emotions through our senses. 

So, let us take some time for ourselves, 

explore music from different part of the world,

all the wonderful melodies it has to offer,

crossing cultural unites us all.