Happy life...
It's all we desire,
some are fortunate,
to be blessed with it.
But there were a lot more,
not receiving the world's favor,
being on the sidelines, watching...
As their happiness keeps fading.
Happy life...
We can't always be lucky,
the world doesn't do our bidding,
there's negativity, lurking in the shadows.
And it brings painful emotions,
some may break, fall into depression,
others become bitter, with a lot of anger,
blaming self and everyone else,
becoming blind, to the surroundings.
Happy life...
We have to accept,
the disappointments and failures,
by embracing, our negative emotions.
And we will become anti-fragile,
riding on the waves of resilience,
as we face the pressures of life,
getting bigger and stronger.
Happy life...
Being too invested in its pursuit,
paradoxically make us less happy...
So, let us find happiness indirectly,
breaking it into smaller moments.
We can't gaze at the sun directly,
but can see it through the reflections,
so experts presented a SPIRE model,
to find our way to happiness.
Happy life...
Lies in Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual,
Relational and Emotional well-being...
By seeking meaning, a purpose in life (S),
being active, while avoiding stress (P),
to be curious, and engaging deeply (I)
spending quality time, with our family (R)
and finally...
Cultivating deep gratitude, towards life blessings. (E).
So, be resilient, become anti-fragile,
to achieve the true, happy life.
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