Monday, September 30, 2024

Two left feets

In living rooms, beneath dim light, 

where darkness looms, and shadows hide,

an impulse arises, as dreams takes flight,

a symphony of motions, yet not quite. 

Along the beats, with each thump,

they sway, and flail, then nearly bump,

shaking their body, also did crawl,

in skips and bounces, and a comical fall. 

With crooked arms, out of sync,

their movements, a drunken gait,

as hip grinds, like a wobbly clink,

their laughter echoed, and eyes winked. 

For, within those private walls,

no judging eyes, no awkward contacts,

just clumsy bodies, joyful hearts,

a couple's dance, a pair of left feet. 

Though grace flee, steps may stray, 

in joy they moved, and laughed all day, 

for, in that dance, they had to say, 

behold, the king and queen of disarray!

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Forgotten postcards

There were golden days,

away from the digital age,

where feelings were shared,

in handwritten postcards. 

A way to convey affection,

or sharing beautiful memories,

as a symbol of remembrance,

placed inside treasured boxes. 

We took time to select,

for designs and the covers,

sometimes putting personal touches,

within the folds of these paper. 

In the childhood innocence, 

we crafted our own creations,

handmade in ordinary pages,

filling them with pencil colors. 

For gifting to best friends, 

or giving to our parents,

and offering to many elders,

in some special occasions. 

Now, postcards gather dust,

inside some forgotten drawer, 

life changed as time passed, 

as we embarked on separate paths. 

Still, I hold these postcards,

much closer to my heart,

a testament of where I started,

it's a slice of the beautiful past... 

In those scribbles, in our drawings,

some solo vacations or family trips, 

heartfelt emotions or photographs,

in personally selected designer cards.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

A mysterious dream

 A twilight,

surrounded by haze,

I walked amidst,

kine of cows.

In the soothing noise,

the sound of cowbells, 

showing the path ahead,

to my bewildered mind. 

I don't remember, 

how I had arrived,

just kept walking silently,

where the road took me.

Finally, I reach a place,

surrounded by many sages,

doing rituals, around the fire,

chanting mantras, from I could hear. 

One of them approached,

took the cows near the flame,

sprinkling some liquid on them,

checking their body for health.

I was intrigued by their gesture,

as they took these gentle creatures,

tied silk ropes, given some sweets,

sent away to nearby field for grazing. 

And the sage returns, to my side,

whispered some words, with a smile,

I tried to reply, but taken by surprise, 

as fog envelopes, obscuring my eyes.

Awakened by bright ray of sunlight,

I remembered, I am visiting a village,

and today was the special festival, 

so, I visited their local temple... 

Only to witness, animal sacrifice.

Friday, September 27, 2024


In the fantasies, we have seen,

creating a world of our dreams,

spending days with loved ones,

doing activities, having fun.

Never once, we consider being older,

or felt reduction in bodily functions,

for ourselves and close people,

as if the clock has been stopped. 

It's indeed a wonderful imagination, 

but realities are often disappointing, 

from common man to wise person,

have made peace with the situation.

For, there's no fountain of eternal youth,

every birth comes with an end point,

even the researches made conclusions, 

evidences seen for cellular senescence. 

Yet, there are emergence,

experiments done on stem cells,

reviving again the silenced voices,

putting efforts for the breakthrough. 

Still, many questions remain,

pondering over pros and cons,

the social and financial burdens,

dangers of ever-growing population. 


The tempting desire,

and a fool's pursuit,

to be a strong advocate, 

or become an apologist...

Through fear or rationale,

we would question its veracity, 

yet, I wonder, how much evolved, 

the future of our species would be... 

Having spare time, 

blessings of a longer life.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Art of letting go

We have our regrets,

built from past mistakes,

sending us into guilt trips.

Or we hurt ourselves,

driven by holding grudges,

out of negative experiences. 

No one wants to get hurt,

have memories, that may burst,

their bubble of normality.

For, we seek comfort,

mind that feel solace, 

a life filled with happiness. 

So, let's learn this art,

of bringing joy in the heart,

by learning ways of letting go.

Either through mindfulness,

or taking conscious actions,

steps for achieving contentment. 

By engaging in self reflection,

understanding the underlying conditions,

through reasoning and contemplation. 

And taking responsibilities of mistakes,

we would learn, we make amends,

when we forgive ourselves. 

Practicing resilience, we would preserve,

using setbacks as opportunities to grow,

adapting to life by becoming stronger. 

And we celebrate, steps of our progress, 

by appreciating efforts, ease our concerns,

cultivating a sense of pride and confidence. 

So, let's change our perspectives, 

develop gratitude, nurture optimism, 

for, every moment is a blessing.

Still, there should be boundaries, 

limiting our exposures to bad practice, 

to create space, for rest and healing. 

The art of letting go,

is not much of a secret,

for, it starts with self-love.

So, treat yourself with kindness,

protect your emotional wellbeing,

as you walk, through life's journey. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Sharing emoji

Let me share my feelings,

in the pictures and images,

there's so much to convey,

no words would be enough. 


The metaphors,

that shows my emotions,

added sparsely or frequently, 

complimenting words and sentences.

Making things lively,

having a deeper connection,

in every line, written fondly,

as a show of my affection. 

I would smile πŸ™‚, and grin πŸ˜„,

I might wink 😘, or blush 😳,

laughing with tearsπŸ˜‚, or roll 🀣,

feel scared 😱 or cry aloud 😭.

In your words, I get invested,

so, I add different emoticons,

as if we are sitting in real world,

having a deeper conversation. 

Some may get disenchanted,

by its excessive usage,

but with a limited use,

it has wonderful effects.

So, don't be wary, my dear,

as I let my sentiments flow,

get animated, in my views,

for, that's how I enjoy interacting... 

Sharing my time, in this virtual world.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Greedy person

So, what's wrong of being greedy,

craving varieties, in the offerings,

the world is an open banquet,

being spread, to be feasted upon.

A tapestry of diverse stimulants, 

inciting senses for an audience, 

and I let my mind wander,

to see, hear, taste and smell. 

It doesn't matter the conditions, 

that sustain or refrains the flow,

our fortunes never remain the same,

giving hard times, to cover them all.

So, I would find other ways,

to bypass the obstacles faced,

letting my imagination expand,

beyond the confines, of physical spheres. 

Unfurling the sails of my mind,

I start the voyage to the unknown,

the more I explore, the more I yearn,

a lifetime is short, for things to learn.

This journey needs, thirst of knowledge, 

guiding to the realms, of things unseen and unheard, 

so, I will not let my spirit shrink,

and soar high, on my desire wings. 

A greedy person indeed,

I will not be cowered down,

let my situations dictate,

to live a life on other's terms.

The universe is a treasure trove,

with wealth of stories, that can unfold,

when I open my heart, to its kind,

claim all the beauty, reach the skies... 

Gathering all the blessings bestowed, 

I am a greedy person, after all.

Monday, September 23, 2024

A deserted eatery

A once vibrant center,

now a vacant place,

a treasured sanctuary, 

lost in empty space. 

The damaged furniture,

speaks volumes of stories,

of friendships that bloomed,

while pleasuring taste buds. 

These faded menus, 

tales of dishes prepared,

broken plates and glasses,

present the services provided. 

Where forks and spoon clicked,

now hushed whispers heard,

haunted echoes of laughter,

memories of bygone days. 

Yet, here lies the moments, 

reminder of those beautiful days,

a site of outings or meetings, 

testimony of social communication. 

It might have lost its shine,

in the passage of time,

still, there's hope at sight,

deserted walls could become alive... 

When someone ignites,

the flames, in the kitchen.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Across the seas

Across the seas... 

A land of fortune, of our dream,

aspiring hearts, went on a search,

gathering courage, a leap of faith,

reigning on fear, of an unknown place. 

There was excitement at first,

to board on a flying plane,

letting them forget the struggles,

of procuring finance and documents. 

Be it students, or the professionals,

most of them have been nervous, 

things was new, difficult to adjust, 

away from the love and care of relations. 

It takes time to learn,

some may succeed overtime, 

but, many are left behind,

in the rush of job searches. 

And it starts to affect,

the physical and mental wellbeing, 

losing hope each passing day,

of finding comfort or solace. 

It's not only the expenditures, 

the social and legal troubles, 

that breaks the once brave souls,

some might even fall to predators. 

Without the umbrella of society,

they are the vulnerable creatures,

without the support of the state,

they are the stranded commodities. 

It's these stories of such beings,

their silent pain, in promised land,

needed to be shared, to the fledgling, 

make informed choices, for their living. 

For, these dreamers strive, far from home,

symbol of resilience, where hardships roam,

the daring soul, who create path for future, 

becoming the light, a beacon of hope. 

Still, it's not always a rosy street,

thorns were encountered, in every turnings,

affecting the health of mind and body,

sometimes a vision, not worth fighting. 

But should we judge their journeys?

We can never predict the outcomes,

still, I wish they find an understanding, 

of valuing home as much as they desire... 

A beautiful life, across the seas.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Offsprings of the nature

We are the offsprings of nature,

in our mind and body structures, 

even the fruits of our development, 

wouldn't let us to have an escape,

from the roots, of our evolution. 

And it shows, to the ones,

further away from natural systems, 

afflicted with ailment or conditions,

from deficiencies of the nourishment,

even after providing artificial sustenance. 

So, we have learn their importance,

adviced people to have exposures,

from professionals to administration, 

helping to create an ecosystem, 

getting the blessings of ancestral mother. 

Let's take an example of rule 20:5:3,

advocated by some of the countries, 

20 minutes of nature stroll to outside,

5 hours a month in city or forest parks,

and 3 days a year, camping off grid. 

For, a dose of wildest nature,

a retreat of extended meditation, 

without cellphones, or other distraction,

only bounties, of surrounding environment, 

taming our burnouts, making us feel better. 

So, what's the secret, the allure,

that captivates, pull us closer,

everything we witness, the glory,

of different elements, in harmony, 

entering a mode, of 'soft fascination '. 

Some research point to 'Fractals',

complex patterns, repeated over,

in different scales, shapes and sizes,

like an organized chaos, that hypnotize,

filling our heart, with exuberance. 

Yet, our cities, don't have fractals, 

things feel bland, and superficial, 

and we revert to our older days,

seeking balance, through mindfulness,

for, we, are the offsprings of nature.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Space to breathe

We need the space to breathe, 

for our growth to proceed,

like the roots of most trees,

spreading laterally below the surface,

than diving deeper into the soil. 

For, we require those connections, 

nothing last longer in solitude,

without the necessary support...

Like the tree's mycorrhizal networks,

a system formed between communities. 

The lone tree can't face, alone,

an impact of hazardous weather, 

no matter the strength it builds...

Sometimes it's in the sharing,

lies the path of our survival. 

Still, we would need conditions,

that let us face many challenges,

building the strength of character,

by leaving behind our weaknesses, 

achieve the power and the wisdom. 

And, this freedom should be sought,

within the capacities and frameworks,

of the society, that support endeavors,

for, even the dense forest suffocates,

if not spread out, all over the place.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Japanese concept of 'Ma'

There's a concept of ' Ma '

coming from ancient Japanese land,

depicting the value of a pause,

to let the life breath, feel and connect. 

The space between the edges,

a moment for life's experiences, 

possibility of deeper engagement...

In a place filled with nothingness. 

Ma, not simply an absence,

but it's the negative space,

that shapes the way we perceive, 

and interact with our surroundings. 

It speaks of silence,

against the use of sound,

and it values the stillness, 

as opposed to motion around. 

Like sometimes, 

even a momentary pause in speech,

convey meaningful words and feelings.

A silence between notes,

would make a better music,

for, in stillness, we connect with soul. 

So, let's be aware of this concept,

integrate them in daily living space,

as we appreciate the aesthetics, 

be contemplative, of time and space. 

For, there lies the magic,

a door that could open,

a path towards our soul,

through the power of emptiness. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Shuffle dance

Browsing through the videos,

I came across a dance show,

rhythm overflowing with energy,

techniques that display mastery.

I don't know the reasons,

that pulled me closer,

stealing all my attention,

towards those fluid motions. 

Shuffle dance,

It captivated my eyes,

accompanied by peppy beats,

each movement is mesmerizing.

And I watched again and again,

wishing I could move like them,

knowing well, I am too clumsy,

to mimic their artistic motions. 

Even after watching many reels,

I wondered, what made it click ?

The energy of the performance, 

Or the charm of their skill...

But realized, there's more to it,

the sheer joy and lively setting,

swaying emotions with the steps,

bringing smiles to anyone watching. 

Started as simple shuffle and stomp,

turning into high energy routine,

regardless of our age group,

it would help in our well-being. 

By acting as a cardio workout, 

also training different muscles,

enhancing balance, mental sharpness,

boosting mood by releasing dopamine. 

So, let me save these reels,

watch some tutorials, for the feel,

to get energy from their dynamism,

in my moments of lazy browsing. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


" We are not children of earth,

But are offsprings of the universe " 

What if...

Life didn't begin in mother earth,

as an abiogenesis in primordial soup,

in the womb of deep hot oceans, 

some billions of years ago

Rather being incubated,

under someone's direction,

with seeds of life's information,

into one of many habitable planets. 

What if...

We can see the signs,

in the genetic variability,

within thousands of codes,

that are hidden within.

And the existence of species,

that could survive the extremes,

of the pressures and temperature,

even in the space vacuum. 

What if...

The million of evolution,

started from cosmic dusts,

part of comets or meteors,

broken away from celestial bodies.

But, the universe is too vast,

it's implausible for life to last,

so, it required a conscious will,

to bring these elements into our world. 


Hypothesis that states,

the seeds of life exists,

all over the universe. 

And, it's being propagated,

one location to another place,

either because of a coincidence, 

or was it....a part of someone's design?

Monday, September 16, 2024

Let there be darkness

Let there be darkness,

prevailing over the brightness,

of the man-made glow,

from artificial structures. 

Beneath the black velvet dome,

there were once a million diamond stones,

now faded, obscure and pale,

city lights, forming a large wall. 

Electric light and bulbs, 

are a necessary invention,

supporting and guiding us home,

when the sun goes down. 

But everything have a downside,

excesses can cause negative impact,

to our health and wildlife behavior, 

messing up with natural rhythm. 

Predators are confused, hunt goes wrong, 

preys find it difficult, to hide or gather, 

the insects, entranced, a fatal blow, 

even firefly's dance, a lonely show. 

The birds sing at unexpected times,

and flowers bloom, without pollinators,

everything goes haywire, missing their mark, 

with the luminescence, of concrete parks. 

Our internal clock too, disrupted deep,

sleeps gentle hold, we can't keep,

as the melatonin flow get disturbed, 

a hidden cost, we were being forced. 

So let us heed, the silent plight,

set darkness free, turn the tide,

dim the lights, let starlight stream, 

reclaim the night, our healing dream.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Yearly health check-up

A yearly health check-up,

brings things into attention,

increasing numbers on scales,

awake me from the slumber. 

No wonder, clothes pinch tight,

waist jiggles in glaring light,

as I looked in a mirror,

panicked with a look of horror. 

" I need to change" made a vow,

new year resolve, seeds were sown,

did my research, created a plan,

to follow up, for the desired result. 

Sweat drips down, in morning jog,

ignored cravings of sweet tooth,

even fast foods or frequent snacks,

were replaced with water and fruits. 

Every known exercise were tried,

be it aerobics or strength training,

with measured steps, counting days,

worries were deep, as sleep evades. 

Then came the weigh-in, truth revealed, 

my heart pounded, with batted breath, 

the number reduction, a welcome relief,

it was a success, difficult to belief. 

So I raised a fork, a joyful cheer, 

celebrated success with my favorites,

no guilt in heart, it's pure liberation, 

of trying foods, without limitations. 

And days passed, I got busy,

in my work, or being lazy,

oblivious of the coming days,

the scare of having another... 

Yearly health check-up.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Lets say these words

I am trying my hand on Tanka poetry... 

Smitten by your smile,

days of youthful adventures,

felt waves of emotions...

Yet, knew my difficulties, 

convey feelings in silence. 

So we met for work,

and had some casual talk,

know ourselves better...

And I keep falling for you,

loving our conversations. 

I might be lying,

eyes display the subtle signs,

still to be perceived...

So, we can make learned choices,

become proactive or fall back. 

I could share so much,

when we have a connection,

sharing our emotions...

I am glad, we could be friends,

hoping to be something more. 

And moments would pass,

missed chance would not come back,

only regrets persists...

So, let me say these words,

else, we are gone forever. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Some haiku

Womb of the nature,

Hibernates the nutrients, 

Of the seasons... 

The creatures returns,

When brimming with abundance,

Blessings are bestowed.. 

My heart feeling down,

As I listen melodies,

Of songbirds nearby... 

My mood refreshens, 

So I made resolutions,

Find joy in actions... 

A promise to self,

Avoid procrastinations,

Make contributions... 

Looking at mirror, 

A beautiful reflection,

Of smiling visage... 

Good at pretending, 

Yet, it is a transient mask,

Had lost its meaning... 

It's been my first try,

An attempt to write haiku,

Hope it succeeded...

Thursday, September 12, 2024



In this unsteady grounds,

pulling me deeper, and deeper,

with no escape at sight.

Like a quicksand,

filled with the liquid dust,

it slowly consumes my feet,

steadily, against my thrusts. 

My struggles are ineffective, 

frantic grasps, pushing my weight 

situation dire, each passing moment,

my panicking heart, sealing the fate.

The cry for help is drowned by the echos,

of the noises, diffused in the surroundings, 

no one close by, providing a helping hand,

looking from afar, as mute spectators. 

So I descend, in silent despair, 

embracing the situation, the fallen curse,

when even reaching hands, drags me in,

blaming myself for some unforgiven sins.

So, I close my eyes and ears,

to the murmurs and the whispers, 

for, no amount of appeals or pleadings,

would change the condition...I am in. 

Yet, there's a voice, deep within,

a fading spark, a silent scream,

like a stubborn ember, it keeps burning, 

seeking salivation, to get redeemed. 

And it keeps the hope alive,

to find a hold, onto my life,

the hidden strength, will to fight,

a soul unbound, I would rise... 

Carving my escape.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Intrusive thoughts

Out of nowhere,

comes thoughts and images,

that's unwanted or unpleasant.

We might feel distressed, 

when it often comes,

interfering with daily activities. 

Be it our fears,

of germs, and contamination,

doubting the capabilities, 

of completing tasks ourselves, 

be it violence or sexual impulses,

or religious beliefs and superstition. 

It's natural, having on occasions, 

doubting self, is most common,

while sexual or religious origins,

were kept hidden from divulging, 

for, we feel guilty, try to control,

suspecting it to be something serious. 

Intrusive thoughts, mostly random,

but some do have underlying reasons,

mental conditions like OCD or PTSD,

are presented with these symptoms, 

but they are debilitating, lasting longer, 

needing proper care and medications. 

So, let's be aware of upsetting thoughts,

that stick to our mind like an adhesive, 

observe their frequencies and intentions, 

while reducing our sensitivity to triggers,

ask for professional help, in extremes cases,

following therapies and prescriptions. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Permission culture

We live in a permission culture,

that reassures us to venture,

in this era of social media,

it creates a path to follow,

while diffusing responsibilities,

the outcomes of our actions. 

For, we seek other's approval,

someone experienced and powerful, 

incorporating their ways of living,

written or spoken through advertising, 

even the reels of many influencers,

dictate our choices and options. 

It's natural to pursue wisdom,

define our boundaries, find purpose,

as we grow older, more independent,

develop fear of setbacks and failures,

thus, we find inspirations in stories,

in advices given out of goodwill. 

But, there's more to what's seen,

for, we want validation of our needs,

by following trends, of our choices,

we create scenarios, to justify decisions,

as an act of freedom, sometimes rebellion, 

that goes against common conventions. 

So, how should we proceed ?

With many alternatives and selections,

by putting us in constant dilemmas,

they only increase our confusion, 

sometimes encourages or dissuade,

the course of our individual actions. 

There's a simple answer,

it's personal accountability,

taking ownership, with intentions, 

of making our own decisions,

as our passion or contributions, 

ignoring other people's opinions. 

For, only we have the authority, 

of defining our sense of purpose,

that involves us, family and society,

to live in complete harmony,

without being told, how to live,

in the guise of permission culture. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Will it reach...

Will it reach...

Words conveying my feelings,

thoughts, that remained unspoken,

hidden from other's view,

eyes that looked at you,

heart filled with affection, 

fond memories of our interactions,

surging waves of my emotions,

calling your name, 

in whispers. 

Will it reach...

My hopeful pleas,

with bated breath,

these fluttering beats,

in the falling sweats,

those passing moments,

anxiety of the wait,

for the coming date,

of your answer. 

Will it reach...

All of my struggles,

the fears of failures,

losing a precious connection,

for the desires of something more,

the dilemmas and confusions, 

courage of making decisions,

to finally reveal my feelings,

braving the consequences, 

seeking a closure. 

Will it reach...

The depths of my emotions,

erupted for the special occasion,

to paint my life with dreams,

of a future of togetherness.




Till then,

I would wait in anticipation.

Sunday, September 8, 2024



The silent whispers, 

calling you out,

letting you know,

that you don't belong... 

In the cacophony,

of their laughter,

gossips and chats,

of their daily lives. 


That fake smile,

shown once in a while,

as a nervous response,

to their sudden questions. 

Moments of deliberations, 

provide acceptable answers,

to avoid the situations, 

forming judgments and opinions. 


The ever-growing void,

hopes that being destroyed,

of dreams that got spoiled,

from setbacks and disappointments. 

As the once known friends,

started acting as a stranger,

leaving behind the uncertainties, 

of building newer connections. 


When you feel lost,

for you know the cost,

of pursuing the unknown,

outside of comfort zone. 

As your world is different, 

in aesthetics and interests,

so, it's only body, that's present,

while mind seek an escape... 


And it will not hurt,

for, even in the crowd,

you were alone.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

A hike

It was a steep hike,

along the hilly ride,

with the peak at sight,

pushing me, to reach the height. 

But the sun was relentless,

and the heat was merciless,

each breath was troubled

and steps were strenuous. 

Sweats dropped from the forehead, 

a salty sting, upon my lips,

the air, felt a furnace blast,

being choked by surrounding dust. 

And I walked, on the rugged path,

treading over the graveled road,

my bare feet on the heated surface,

pressing over the rocky protrusion. 

In this toil, a strange grace blooms, 

a spurt of energy, flames within,

as I see the temple gates open,

displaying the staircase, to the divinity. 

So I climbed, through heat and pain,

embracing the burn, on the rough terrains, 

finally be rewarded, by the divine fragrances, 

surrounded by offerings, of flowers and incense. 




And all my fatigue went away.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Widened roads

Our society is growing,

so are our aspirations, 

to experience and explore,

earn a better position.

Villages turns into towns,

towns turning into cities,

cities would become metro,

in an ever changing evolution. 

But our memories resides,

within those past times,

upbringing of the childhood, 

connections with our families. 

So, we make frequent visits,

communicate from our working,

for our emotions, for our possessions,

and also hope to grow it too. 

But we are not the only ones,

there are millions, on the run,

demanding better infrastructures,

for a comfortable ride in vehicles.

Even if they put pressure on facilities, 

damaging our roads and their vicinity, 

forcing the administration to take actions,

clear the ground for an expansion. 

The first casualty are the trees,

then comes the turn of grassland,

and the mountain face the heat,

shattered, drilled, broken down.

Not even forest are safe in our hands,

more and more areas were being choosen,

for farmhouses, resorts and buildings,

in this game of earning through real estate. 

Widened roads...

It feels good to travel,

more space is needed,

for our bigger vehicles.

And this race never ends,

when we face traffic obstacles, 

for our greed, for our pride,

and an unplanned development.

So, tell me...

If we change everything,

switched to steel and concrete,

filling and refilling, building and rebuilding, 

what would be left of once beautiful nature...

without any life to be encountered?




Only empty houses, widened roads.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Ask a man ( one vowel poetry)

Ask a man...

Act as a mad actor,

dabbing fake claims, 

and attract bad tags. 

Tap all basic data,

make a crafty game,

walking shaded lanes,

after faking insane play. 

And wait...

Aim clan's sway,

shaking veiled chains,

that strains all snakes. 

Daggers laid bare,

that was stacked,

as a fatal stab,

allowing panic's advance. 

Saintly agents have prayed,

available at active days,

washing away faint stains,

that's a masked dark abyss. 

Again, all that's lacking,

was a daring whack,

asking a man act as...

Mad, bad, and sad.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Musical instruments

Musical instruments,

I am really amazed,

how we could create, 

and have them sustain,

the world of melodies,

pleasing ears, enriching soul. 

In broad categories, they got classified, 

in the manner, they create their sound,

From Idiophones to Membranophones,

Or Chordophones, and Aerophones. 


The body of the instrument vibrates, 

rather than a strings or membranes,

likes of xylophones, bells and rattles,

thumb piano, jaw harp and friction sticks.


Sound is produced by the vibrations,

of a tightly stretched membrane,

like drums, being struck or plucked,

friction rubs or singing kazoos. 


The vibration of a string or strings

that are stretched between fixed points,

like harps, violins, cello and guitars,

simple musical bows or zithers.


Sound that is produced by vibrating air, 

be it organs, accordion, harmonica,

beloved flutes, saxophone, trumpet or tuba. 

From humble beginnings, a symphony grand, 

instruments expresses, heart understands,

a chorus of inventions, a harmony divine,

in every note, a tapestry of music shines,

letting magical sound fill these skies...

Wonders and ingenuity of creative minds.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Our senses

" We are so attuned to our senses,

That we can't think of a life without them" 

With our eyes, we paint the world,

in the colors of our perceptions,

learning as we grow, face obstacles,

create a better path through corrections. 

With our ears, we listen to the sounds,

that's generated from various sources,

the symphony of melodies of the life,

providing assurances to our heart. 

Our humble nose, letting us smell,

helping us appreciate the fragrance, 

enticing us with delightful aromas,

or warning us from potential dangers.

Even the most dependable tongue,

let us experience, savor flavors,

providing stimulus to our mind,

to create or relish different cuisines. 

But the most important are our skin...

Helping us acquainted to the surroundings, 

applied pressure, coarse and fine touches,

scanning temperatures, warm or cold,

giving out signals though our nerves.

Each of these senses are significant, 

to complete us, with their exposures, 

even a small change in their working,

make us feel deficient or being broken. 

So, have we ever wondered... 

What does it feel like,

to be devoid of senses,

either be unaware of its presence, 

or lost the blessings in the process.

Imagine, with closed eyes, ears plugged,

with no stimulus to tongue or nose,

in a vacuum, where our skin can't even touch... 

Would we still be us ?

Monday, September 2, 2024


In the caverns of anxious thoughts,

lies a bottomless abyss of worries,

waiting for the unsuspecting victims,

to lure them inside by tricking.

A pit that brings endless nights,

where concerns would take flight,

every voice of mind then whispers, 

regrets of pasts, fear of the future. 

There are uncertainties, with no escape,

from the shadows of heart's darkness,

even in the times of joyful occasions, 

it raises its head, spewing poison.

A part of our perseverative cognition, 

it does prompt us to take precautions,

but might magnify normal situations,

forcing us to avoid taking endeavors. 


Sometimes, it's difficult to control,

letting us become an anxious person,

with symptoms of restlessness and fatigue,

would cause insomnia, losing concentration. 

And we fall into the negative spirals,

difficult to find footings on the ground,

unwilling to seek the hope's radiance,

any help, or support from close ones. 

So, be aware of the potential triggers,

keep tab on your worrisome thoughts, 

observe, and take preventive measures,

like distractions, relaxing or exercise. 

Letting go, the burden of your expectations, 

embrace the present, live free of tensions, 

ignite courage within, be bold and bright, 

creating an endless dawn, your guiding light.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Let's talk

We have to trust,

nothing starts with suspicion, 

give others some chance,

to present their opinions. 

Not all have the disposition, 

to be open about their feelings,

it takes a lot of courage to commence,

the path of the communications. 

We can doubt their intentions, 

things become clearer in conversations, 

helping us build our positions,

to be shared for their clarifications. 

We might be cautious,

of their unyielding persistence, 

to avoid falling in situations, 

that would feel like an obligation. 

Yet, these are mere speculations, 

an excuse of preventing confrontations,

thus, we give the silent treatment,

as a sign of implying indifference. 

And it dissuades their approach,

might even disappoint their heart,

and they would be discouraged,

to build up the courage again. 

So, let's be generous and open,

trust the goodness of people,

as we listen to their reasons,

deliberate before giving answers. 

After all...

Only when we talk,

We will know a person.