Saturday, September 21, 2024

Offsprings of the nature

We are the offsprings of nature,

in our mind and body structures, 

even the fruits of our development, 

wouldn't let us to have an escape,

from the roots, of our evolution. 

And it shows, to the ones,

further away from natural systems, 

afflicted with ailment or conditions,

from deficiencies of the nourishment,

even after providing artificial sustenance. 

So, we have learn their importance,

adviced people to have exposures,

from professionals to administration, 

helping to create an ecosystem, 

getting the blessings of ancestral mother. 

Let's take an example of rule 20:5:3,

advocated by some of the countries, 

20 minutes of nature stroll to outside,

5 hours a month in city or forest parks,

and 3 days a year, camping off grid. 

For, a dose of wildest nature,

a retreat of extended meditation, 

without cellphones, or other distraction,

only bounties, of surrounding environment, 

taming our burnouts, making us feel better. 

So, what's the secret, the allure,

that captivates, pull us closer,

everything we witness, the glory,

of different elements, in harmony, 

entering a mode, of 'soft fascination '. 

Some research point to 'Fractals',

complex patterns, repeated over,

in different scales, shapes and sizes,

like an organized chaos, that hypnotize,

filling our heart, with exuberance. 

Yet, our cities, don't have fractals, 

things feel bland, and superficial, 

and we revert to our older days,

seeking balance, through mindfulness,

for, we, are the offsprings of nature.

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