Thursday, September 19, 2024

Japanese concept of 'Ma'

There's a concept of ' Ma '

coming from ancient Japanese land,

depicting the value of a pause,

to let the life breath, feel and connect. 

The space between the edges,

a moment for life's experiences, 

possibility of deeper engagement...

In a place filled with nothingness. 

Ma, not simply an absence,

but it's the negative space,

that shapes the way we perceive, 

and interact with our surroundings. 

It speaks of silence,

against the use of sound,

and it values the stillness, 

as opposed to motion around. 

Like sometimes, 

even a momentary pause in speech,

convey meaningful words and feelings.

A silence between notes,

would make a better music,

for, in stillness, we connect with soul. 

So, let's be aware of this concept,

integrate them in daily living space,

as we appreciate the aesthetics, 

be contemplative, of time and space. 

For, there lies the magic,

a door that could open,

a path towards our soul,

through the power of emptiness. 

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